158. Trouble in the Escort

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"It's just a few days of work..." Chen Wang's wife was a bit reluctant.

Even if the redemption of Chen Wang is five hundred and two, Chen Wang's men must have one hundred and two...

So many people let her take the money, the money at home, can give time!

"Smelly woman, still not going!" Chen Wang could not help but scream, did not have to eat and sleep, drink water still dare not drink too much, or two days, he will be dead!

Chen Wang's wife was faintly aware that something was wrong, and now she no longer said anything, and soon went home.

Seeing that his wife left, Chen Wang breathed a sigh of relief and felt that his heart was bleeding.

This time, he has to spend his homes empty, and the hidden private money can't be saved.

Only, even then, he still wants his wife to redeem.

He never wants to stay here anymore.

Chen Wang was depressed in his heart, Jiang Zhen looked at Chen Wang, but his brow was slightly frowning.

At first, Chen Wang was looking for trouble. He thought that it was a little girl who didn't have long eyes, and even thought that it might be the smell of the relatives who had lost his face, but now... not that simple.

The people behind the scenes apparently did not take Chen Wang and others seriously, and it is estimated that Chen Wang and others can cause trouble to him. Both... their purpose may be to provoke him and Zheng Yi's relationship. .

In this case, who is behind the scenes... Who is it?

Jiang Zhen finally called He Chunsheng.

"Recently, what special news is there in Hexing House?" asked Jiang Zhen.

His Jin Zhen Escort has a place to work in every county in Hexing Prefecture. He has also left some people and has been walking around... This is definitely suitable for intelligence gathering and delivery!

Although Jiang Zhen did not have much time to manage the Jin Zhen Escort in the past few years, he also confessed to He Chunsheng, letting him pay attention to collecting news from all over the world.

He Chunsheng quickly said some of the information he recently received, and mentioned: "Boss, before we followed Zheng Shao to the capital, the businessman who surnamed Luo on the way came to Jiangnan, with a The middle-aged man, the identity of the middle-aged man, seems to be unusual."

"There is also our Jin Zhen darts bureau. Yesterday, someone was taken away by a dart. Fortunately, only some stones were taken away, and the relationship is not big."

"I was robbed of a dart?" Jiang Zhen frowned slightly: "Let's talk about it in detail."

He Chunsheng gave a glimpse of this matter, he did not know in detail.

Fortunately, he has his own hands knowing this, and He Chunsheng is very quick, he called his men.

"This is the case. Wu Zhongfu came to a merchant a few days ago. He bought a lot of stones and said that he had to go back to build a garden. Because there were no big ships, he hired the ships and people of our darts. I didn't expect to be robbed halfway. Got some meteorites."

Jiang Zhen is now more knowledgeable, and naturally he knows that the so-called meteorite is marble.

The meteorite at this time is considered to be a relatively expensive stone, but it is not expensive to go anywhere. If you lose some meteorites, it is not difficult to compensate.

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