64. Deceptively deceive

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Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were shaking the boat to the county seat, so they still walked from the back door of the Zheng family. Only this time, the treatment they received was completely different from the previous one, and there were still some passing people. A large number of them, let Zhao Jinge mention a heart, the whole person is on guard. ·1kanshu·

This county town really has a lot of temptations. He followed Jiang Zhen to come here absolutely!

Zhengfu had a second-class member. About Momo was the richest person in the county. Jiang Zhenben thought that Zhengfu would be very big. After entering this time, he discovered that it was not really big, but it was everywhere.

As for why this house is not big... It is estimated that the county is so large, and the land is not large enough for the house. The huge gardens are basically cultivated in the countryside.

Of course, Jiang Zhen said that Zheng Fuxiao was also because he saw a fence in the countryside and a scene of a large piece of land... In fact, the roots of the modern modern dwellings, this Zheng is already very, very large.

The place where Zheng Yi saw Jiang Zhen was in a pavilion built on the top of the pond in half. Today, the sun is just right, the breeze is good, and it is quite good to meet here.

"You are coming." Seeing Jiang Zhen, Zheng Yi yawned and sat up from a rattan lounge chair and sat down on the stone bench at the stone table.

Although Zheng Yi is a man, it is about the fineness of childhood, and the skin is very white. Even He Qiusheng, who has the best skin in Hexi Village, is estimated to be just like him. It's just because of him. The skin is particularly fair, and the dark circles and scorpions on his face are particularly noticeable.

"Zheng Shao." Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge greeted him slightly.

"Come on, just sit down, let's talk about this card." Zheng Da Shaodao, put the cards that Jiang Zhen gave him yesterday on the table.

This card is made of white paper. It was a bit old after playing for one afternoon yesterday, and at this moment, it was damaged.

Obviously, the reason why Zheng Dashao's face has dark circles is because he went to the card and died in the evening.

"I came back to my mother and my wife for a while after I came back yesterday, and I almost didn't sleep." Zheng Yi noticed that Jiang Zhen's eyes fell on this card and yawned again: "If they were not here, they are all Sleeping, this card can't be taken."

Jiang Zhen did not speak yet, and Zheng Dashao said again: "But really, this painting is too ugly."

"..." Jiang Zhen is speechless: "I haven't read the book underneath, I only know that I am doodle, it is good to draw this."

"You haven't read the book?" Zheng Yi looked at Jiang Zhen with some surprise. He had already asked people to check Jiang Zhen, but the time was too short. Now the following people have not yet responded...

However, even after he did not know the specific situation of Jiang Zhen, after he observed Jiang Zhen, he also felt that Jiang Zhen should be a well-born and somewhat knowledgeable person.

Even, he suspected that Jiang Zhen was born as a military commander, which would explain why he could slap Liu Blackhead and write the words quite ugly.

Zheng Yi opened the top of the pile of cards, and there was a very ugly "tiger" on the card.

"I am an ordinary farmer in Hexi Village. I have never read a book, but my two younger brothers have read it. I occasionally listen to it and look at it a bit. I am also eager to read." Jiang Zhendao.

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