49. Go home and go to kiss

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Ningtang County is a small county town. This county has a total of two streets, one east-west, very long. It is a vertical street by the people here, and the other is a relatively north-south direction. It is called a horizontal street by people here. .

The county is located in the south of the Yangtze River, but the river is not particularly large, but even so, there is a river running through the county.

The people in the county town wash and wash vegetables here, so it is always very lively. Later, gradually, some people in the nearby villages will catch the boat and come to the river after they have collected their own vegetables. Selling by the river.

Over time, the river became the vegetable market in the county.

It was just dawning every day. There were many people around the river, noisy, and many people took fresh vegetables from their own boats for sale.

At this moment, everyone found that there was a ship parked on the shore, but there was no one on it, but a piece of clothes was hung on the bow, and there were words written on the clothes.

However, most of the people present did not know the words.

"What is this ship doing?"

"Yeah, stop here, what to do?"

Someone looked at the ship curiously, and some people looked closer...

"Ah!" An exclamation came, and a man approaching looked at the ship with amazement.

This person seems to be scared, but it is because of this, but more people are attracted to the past, to see the boat, that is, at this time, they found that the curtain was opened in the cabin, lying a few A man with bloodstained and **** with five flowers.

This... What is going on?

"Go to the newspaper!" Someone said, and soon ran to the newspaper.

The people in Ningtang County discovered the ship, and the people lying on the boat then reported to the army. At the same time, this speculation spread quickly in the county town, and the initiators of all this time have already left. Ningtang County.

The sky was already bright. Jiang Zhen let Wang Haisheng row the boat, but he washed the blood stains on the ship and sorted out the shelves.

In the meantime, Wang Haisheng has been watching him secretly, and the shaker is very unfocused.

When Wang Haisheng looked over again, Jiang Zhen looked over and frowned: "What do you look at?"

"No...nothing." Wang Haisheng said quickly.

Jiang Zhen looked at Wang Haisheng. Yesterday, whether he started to hurt people at first, or later forced him to confess, he did not avoid Wang Haisheng. Later, he put some of the watery scorpions with wounds in their boats. When I was sent to Ningtang County, Wang Haisheng was asked to raise people.

He did this to try to test Wang Haisheng.

Wang Haisheng always thought that he was a good person, but he himself was not the same as Wang Haisheng imagined.

"What do you think about what I did before?" asked Jiang Zhen.

"Jiang Zhen, you are literate!" Wang Haisheng looked at Jiang Zhen with admiration: "I didn't expect you to literate, no wonder the money is calculated so fast, you are amazing!"

The worship in Wang Haisheng's eyes cannot be ignored. Jiang Zhen is somewhat speechless. Was it that Wang Haisheng kept peeking at him all the time, just because he felt that his literacy was very powerful?

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