124. School and cooperation

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Jiang Zhen did not encounter any troubles this time. The people in Hexi Village saw that he was fine. Life was quickly restored. As usual, the docks were still coming and going, even because this time it was inadvertently helping Chiang. The earthquake publicized a bit, and the dock was actually a lot more lively than usual.

But this incident has had a great impact on Jiang Zhen.

Because of this, he did not even want to revenge like Zhao Liu's anger.

"I have never seen a person like Jiang. You are developed. Isn't this a good thing? They don't come to you to ease and ease the relationship. Instead, they think that it is going to hurt you. It's just a problem." After sleeping, Zhao Liu's spirit was gone, and then he picked up the Chiang family at home.

Jiang Zhen is a very good person. She thinks that if the Jiang family is better for Jiang Zhen, Jiang Zhen should be willing to repair the relationship with them.

Even if the Jiang family wanted to ease the relationship, Jiang Zhen could not agree, but he did not say this idea.

"How is the Jiang family now?" Jiang Zhen listened to Zhao Liu's complaints a lot and then asked.

"Zheng Shao's people took Jiang Chengcai and Jiang Chengxiang away, and others have returned." Zhao Jinge said.

Originally, Jiang Zhen's men wanted to find the Chiang family and teach them a good meal. However, Jiang Chengcai and Jiang Chengxiang were taken away by Zheng Yi. The Jiang family left a group of old and weak, and they could not start.

Zhao Jinge pondered that the impermanence is still there, and it is even more impossible for people to fight the Chiang family. In the end, they will only be lost.

"Yeah." Jiang Zhen nodded.

"Would you like someone to go to Zheng Shao to ask?" Zhao Jin Gedao, taking away Jiang Chengcai and Jiang Chengxiang, was a steward of Zheng's family. At that time, Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi went to Qingfenglou, but he told the housekeeper. Then, according to the housekeeper, this Chiang family should be someone else.

Under normal circumstances, the Jiang family could not see the imperialism at all, and they should have no courage to sue.

"No, let Zheng Shao go to deal with it." Jiang Zhendao.

He has no time to manage this, and there are more important things to do, such as... open school.

Jiang Zhen built a school on the dock side and planned to let his children go to school, but because he was too busy, he has not made it until now.

He had planned to wait for the next year. When he was busy in the spring, he went to toss the school, but he changed his mind.

After eating, Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge to find the village head Jiang Ping, saying that he was very grateful to the help of the villagers, so he planned to open the school in advance and teach the children in the village to study for free.

"This is this... really?" Jiang Ping looked at Jiang Zhen excitedly, teaching children to study for free? Is there such a good thing?

"Of course it is true, but I also don't ask to learn too good Mr., so the main thing is to teach them to recognize the words, calculate the account, if someone wants to let the children go to the test show, in my school, I can't learn. What." Jiang Zhendao.

"There is not a few acres of land, who would think about letting the children test the show! It will be a good idea to recognize the words!" Jiang Ping smiled and opened his mouth, happy.

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