137. Going out to send pigs

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On the table of the Eight Immortals, only Jiang Zhen is eating fast.

Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui have already been stunned. They look out from time to time, and they are disturbed by the number of hundreds of thousands. How can they still have a meal?

As for Zhao Jinge...

Zhao Mingzhu is about one year old and has started to eat something. He is feeding Zhao Mingzhu.

And... he was also scared.

Jiang Zhen told him before, saying that he had made a lot of money, but he did not expect that there were so many.

Zhao Jinge had an unreal feeling. He clipped a piece of meat on the belly of the fish but did not feed it to Zhao Mingzhu's mouth.

Zhao Mingzhu opened his mouth and wanted to go to the meat that was not far from her mouth, but because the body was held by Zhao Jinge, the neck was too short to be able to find it, and suddenly he was wronged: "Wow!"

Zhao Mingzhu awakened Zhao Jinge and Zhao Liu's couple. Zhao Jinge quickly fed the fish to her, and then found that the braised pork and chicken on the table had been killed by Jiang Zhen.

"Don't eat too much, what if you have a diarrhea?" Zhao Jin said.

"Even if I have a diarrhea, I am willing." Jiang Zhen smiled, but he no longer eats meat.

In ancient times, there were no three high-medicine drugs. In terms of eating, he still paid attention to it.

After Zhao Zhen finished eating, Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui, who had not eaten much, put down their chopsticks.

They almost couldn't wait to come outside, and then they saw that Jiang Zhen's men used the boxes as a table to eat, and some of the boxes were greasy.

This... all of them are silver! This is not very good? !

Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui both uneasily slammed their hands and always felt that they were not right.

Jiang Zhen ate very fast, and his men ate faster.

Jiang Zhen let the food from the restaurant, enough for a hundred people to eat, but was finally eaten by fifty people.

There are a lot of boxes in the Zhao family's garden. The cups and plates are messy, and many people are sitting on the boxes directly on their stomachs.

When the Hu family ticket came over, what I saw was such a messy scene.

"Which is Jiang Laoye? Where is the silver?" The treasurer of Hu's ticket number asked aloud.

His family let him bring dozens of people to move money here... In this small house, do you really need him to come in person, and bring so many people to move the money?

"The door was closed." Jiang Zhendao, after closing his door under his own hand, he pointed to the box in the yard: "The silver is inside, we weigh together." The so-called ticket number is Qianzhuang, quite In later generations of banks, of course, the ticket number business is far less than the bank, or the local interest, the given silver ticket can only be circulated within a certain range.

Jiang Zhen himself was not very clear about how much money he got back this time. After all, he didn't even have the title before.

It is precisely because of this that he will not directly carry the money to the ticket number - he always knows how much money he has, right?

Jiang Ming and He Xiasheng quickly picked up the tableware on a box, then opened the box and pointed at the shopkeeper of the Hu family ticket: "Come, let's call it together!"

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