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Jiang Zhen looked at Zheng Shaoyi and took Zhao Jinge down in a window not far from him.

Zhao Jinge was the first time to come to such a place. He was very upset and curious about everything. His eyes kept looking at the window.

"It's still early, you can go to the window first." Jiang Zhendao.

"Is it not so good?" Zhao Jinge asked with some concern. There are a lot of people besides them. He stood at the window and stared out at the window. Will he bite Jiang Zhen's face?

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Zhen smiled, Zhao Jinge did not see all of this, going to see and see, there is nothing to lose face in his opinion.

Jiang Zhen said so, Zhao Jinge went to the window and widened his eyes and looked out the window.

There are only two floors in this restaurant. In fact, there is nothing in this window, but for Zhao Jinge, it is already very novel. He looks at it with great interest.

"Jiang Zhen, we are now on top of others." Zhao Jin said.

"Hey!" About Mo Jin's behavior was a bit funny, and Zheng Daxiao laughed.

Jiang Zhen slightly frowned, Zhao Jinge sat down with a sullen face.

"Golden brother, let's play cards." Jiang Zhen saw Zhao Jinge sitting in a difficult way, facing Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge was full of fog, but Jiang Zhen took out the cards, took away two tiger cards, then smoothed out the remaining fifty-two cards, then sent five cards to himself and Zhao Jinge, and left Put it on the table and open it.

"This is the easiest way to play. If you have a card in your hand and a card on the table for a total of fourteen, you can use one card in your hand to catch the table or one or two or three. Zhang's card, then pull out a sheet from the pile to make up the five cards in the hand, and open one on the table. If it can't count to 14, just open it from the pile. One is released, then I am coming." Jiang Zhen simply said the rules. This game was taught by others when he was a child. At that time they called him "fishing", but some places did not seem to play like this.

Zhao Jinge will still be simple arithmetic, but it is slower to calculate. Jiang Zhen does not teach him. He is a bit embarrassed to play, but Jiang Zhen is the opposite.

"The seven and three points on the table add up to ten points. I have four points here and I can take two cards." Jiang Zhen used a four-point fishing to take two shots from the table.

The remaining cards are all very large. Zhao Jinge has no cards for fishing. He can only open one on the table. As a result, the card has been taken away by Jiang Zhen...

The card that Zhao Jinge caught in the first game was very good, but when he came back again, he also touched a doorway.

There aren't many of these cards. It's not that it's hard to count fourteen. He counts, the faster he gets.

After Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge finished the three games, they proposed to change the gameplay. This game is suitable for children and is not very attractive to adults.

"We only have two people, we can only play a little simple... Try blackjack." Jiang Zhendao. Blackjack, also known as Black Jack, is a very old gameplay. After Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge explained the gameplay, they played.

Before that, Zheng Dashao just looked at them. At this time, he couldn't help but stand up next to him. Later, he came to Zhao Jinge's back, and then hated the iron and made a special conservative Zhao Jinge's saying: Ah! Your card is so small, why not?"

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