32. Sea salt and sea cargo

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"Private salt? You, you..." Yang Jiang instantly paled his face, and suddenly closed his mouth, looking left and right.

When he found no one around him, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Are you crazy? This is the death penalty for killing the head!"

Everyone will buy it, but the idea of ​​smuggling salt...

"I know." Jiang Zhendao: "So I understand the situation to you." Jiang Zhen still knows about the ancient private salt.

No matter which generation, the private salt is crazy, no way, the official salt is too expensive.

They are on the coast here, and the official salt is sold for forty pounds a pound. The salt is not good for the color... inland?

Before Jiang Zhen saw the history books, I saw some records of official salt and silver in one place. This is simply not to let the people eat salt. It is no wonder that everyone is going to buy private salt.

Of course, although he raised the idea of ​​selling salt, he did not intend to do it right away, or he went to the black on this road. He knew very well that he could make some initial funds with his own skills. It is impossible to want to be big in selling private salt.

After all, he has no background in this person, and today's private salt dealers...

Such a large profit, afraid that those private salt dealers are all coming.

Yang Jiang looked at Jiang Zhen's eyes and saw that Jiang Zhen said that such a decapitation seemed to be as calm as saying what he was waiting for, and he could not help but admire him. He suddenly raised a thought - whether he wants to encourage Jiang Zhen to go. Selling salt, so that he was cut off?

When Yang Jiang's thoughts were born, he was crushed again.

Even if Jiang Zhen sells private salt, those salt diners may not be able to catch him... Maybe he will be even more vicious.

Yang Jiang is so pondering, but he said all the things he knows about private salt: "I have also caught this private salt dealer, and I know a little about the situation inside..."

Just at the seaside where Hecheng County went east, there was a Hongjiang salt field. The salt field was the court, and the nearby official salt was also there. At the same time, the private salt nearby was basically there.

To explain briefly, after the salt field produced salt, some of them were sold as official salt, and the other part was sold to private salt dealers, and even more salt was sold to the latter.

As Jiang Zhen thinks, no one will be tempted by such a big profit. But those ordinary people are tempted, and they only dare to steal some salt and sell them. If they dare to make a profit, they are all big people with backgrounds.

They have money, some people, opened a big ship, swayed to the salt field to buy salt and sent it to various places, arrogant, but no one dared to check it.

"Boss, I don't want you to be jealous. We usually catch private salt sellers. Those who catch secretly sell dozens of pounds of salt, really big people, that is hard to touch, even under the big hands. People, we will also avoid, people are also very good, and will pay for the tolls when they come to sell salt." Yang Jiangdao: "The Hongjiang salt field is catching up with the salt traders who are more powerful than us, and only catch those The hawker who sold a hundred and eighty pounds of salt, immediately caught it, and killed it, and those who arrested people and killed people... in fact, many of them are directly under the command of those big salt traders."

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