138. Moving and beating

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There is a saying that "I have never eaten pork, I have seen pigs running."

This is a bit strange to modern people, because modern people don't do this. They basically eat pork but have never seen a pig run.

However, in this era, many people have seen pigs running, but have not eaten pork.

In Ho Xi village, the children cut pigs and pigs every day, and saw their own pigs every day, but in the end the pigs were killed. They couldn't eat a few pieces of meat.

Not to mention these salt farmers.

They can take time to catch some fish to eat, but pork...

People at Hongjiang Salt Field will not give them pork!

Zhu Erlin is also considered to be a rebel party. The crime that was committed was to be sinned by the Jiuzu people. As a result... he has not even eaten pork!

In contrast, the villagers in the small fishing villages that sell salted fish kelp to foreigners, many have changed their pork to eat, and several large villages have raised pigs.

The huge sea boat stopped near the island, and then all kinds of things were carried to the island under the command of Jiang Zhen, and the first thing that was carried down was naturally the living things.

The pigs in this year are not fat, and the pure meat is only a hundred pounds. Jiang Zhen is a bit more, and the price is good. Some people still sell him six or seventy pounds of pigs at home. The pigs with such sub-components are still very good at catching.

After Zhu Erlin followed the boat, he took a pig and disembarked.

The poor pig was shackled on his back, and he was so screaming that he looked pitiful.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

These salt households are on the island, they have no conditions to take a good bath. They are not cleaner than those pigs. They don't even abandon those pigs, but Jiang Zhen is far away, making up his mind not to touch those pigs. The pig is gone.

If there is a taste in his body, his pearl will not let him hug!

The pigs and chickens and ducks were taken to the house by Zhu Erlin, and then he found someone to kill a few, and then began to cook meat.

Jiang Zhen was still very considerate for these people. In addition to the livestock and grain medicines, they also brought some spices to them, including soy sauce. Finally, the big guy simply started the braised pork.

Of course, the fact that they do braised pork is not fine. Just cut a pig into small pieces, put it in water, and add soy sauce.

But even then, the meat taste is still there, and it is very very fragrant.

Zhu Erlin set up dozens of cauldrons and killed a total of 20 pigs to cook.

The indigenous people on this island have always rejected these people who suddenly appeared on the island. If there were too many people like Zhu Erlin and so on, they would definitely not beat it. It is estimated that they will try to drive Zhu Erlin and others out.

But this time, they were attracted by the smell of pork, and even the hostility was alleviated.

A group of aborigines stared at this place for a long time, and finally came over to a person, and then from Zhu Erlin and others, with a variety of green vegetables and sun-dried goods, replaced a pig.

Those vegetables Zhu Erlin accepted, intending to keep at night to eat, as for those sea goods, he gave Jiang Zhen.

This is the sea cargo. It is for them. They don't want to eat it. But if Jiang Zhen takes it, should he be able to sell it?

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