Lost and Found.

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It was a casual, normal day in LA and Bethany decided to go crash Derek's rehearsals, once again. She did that about once a week.

"Helloooo!" She says peeking in the door. "Hey Bethany!" Nastia says hugging her. "Hey!" She says and Derek rolls her eyes at her. "What are you doing here this time?" He asks. "Well I can leave." She says turning around. "Nooooo, I'm kidding. You know I love it when you come!" He says throwing her over his shoulder.

"I know and that's why I do it." She says and pokes his nose. "So, what's the dance this week?" She ask. "Argentine Tango." Nastia answers. "Ohhhh! Fun!" She smiles. "Yeah, I'll be right back, gotta take this call." Nastia exits the room.

"Soo I went on a date last night..." Derek says as Mark walks in the room. "You what?" Bethany and Mark both shout at the same time, Beth's heart shattering. "Yeah, she was really cool." Beth looks at him with wide eyes. "You jealous Beth?" He smirks. "No." She stutters, not looking him in the eye.

"Well this is what happens when feelings are involved." Mark says exiting the room, laughing at himself.

"I think you are." Derek says, smiling. "No I'm not because let's just say.. I can have some fun of my own." She says smirking. His jaw drops and anger covers his whole body. "What did you just say?"

"I can have-" He cuts her off and says "I heard you, wouldn't like to hear it again." She smiles and he groans. "Oh, Derek. Are you jealous?" She asks.

"The hell I am, but I'm not just jealous, I'm angry." He shouts, standing up. "YOU'RE angry? Why? I was never ever anything more to you than a friend Derek. I don't belong to you! You don't own me! If you actually cared about me or even thought about having me you wouldn't go out with someone else." She shouts back.

He had always thought of Bethany as his, but I guess she really wasn't.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't even consider being anything anymore!" He says throwing his hands up. "Fine!" She screams, slamming the door behind her. "Fine!"

She runs through the hallway of the studio, trying to leave before anyone sees her. There are tears falling from her eyes and she was hurting like never before. She was heart broken.

The next couple days passed by and both of them mostly faked smiles, and watched the rain fall from the sky. It only rained on two occasions, when one of them was gone, or when they were in a argument. This time, it was pouring.

He knew he loved her, and she knew she loved him. They also knew what they had with other people, meant nothing to them. They were all that mattered to one another.

Derek knew Bethany wouldn't crawl back to him, she was a strong women and would be okay without him. Well, that's what he thought anyway. Bethany? All she did was lay around and whimper to herself.

A week had past and both of them were completely lost. The words still replayed in their heads, on and on, for the next 10 months. The flowers that they'd grown together, died of thirst. He was still all over her like a white stained dress she can't wear anymore.

10 months older, they still miss it. The drought was the very worse. One night it was both aching at them so bad, they both took a trip to the rooftop of the studio. Neither of them knowing, they would soon cross paths.

She arrived and saw a figure on the ledge with his hands through his hair. "Hello?" She whispers and soon gasps when she sees him. "Bethany?" He says getting up running over to her. "Derek!" She says backing away.

They both stand their in silence, taking it all in. "Bethany, please.. I miss you so much. I really just want to tell you... I love you. You don't have too lo-" He's cut off by her running into his arms and their lips connecting. They were lost but now, they're found.

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