Return. pt1

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       She stood out on the balcony of her new apartment in New York, thinking about how hard it was to say goodbye to LA and the people who made LA home. She recently decided to go into the acting business and it didn't take very long for her to get a job.

       He missed her like crazy. Mark and Val just tried to help him get through it but nothing worked. He began on a project for when she returned knowing it would take a while he began the day after she left.

   One night he decided he couldn't take it any longer. He packed a bag and jumped on a plane to New York.

   "Bethany!" someone shouted behind her, "Derek!" She shouted throwing her arms around him. "What are you doing here?" She said putting her hand on his chest. "I came to see you. I can't stay lo-" he was cut off by her lips being pushed to his. She giggled and took his hand and showed him around set.

      She sat in a chair looking out on the city while he got ready for dinner. He came out of the bathroom in a nice suit and she gasped playfully, "You clean up nice Hough." He looks down at her and shook his head, smiling.

    Before she knew it he was down on one knee with a ring. Her eyes filled with tears as she took his hand and closed the box. "Derek," she began. "Someday. I can't, and I'm sorry. I love you and I would want nothing more than to settle down with you but I just can't right now. I have so much going on in my career and-" he shook his head and sat on the bed.

     "I get it, Bethany. Look maybe this was a bad idea. I should go." She nodded and he grabbed the bag and left. She began to cry as he leaned against the outside of her door. He knew this was it.

      *5 YEARS LATER*

    The phone rang and she ran over to answer. "Hey Wit!" She said cheerfully. "Beth- lets go home." She paused, "But I thought you loved it in Paris?" She questioned. "I do but home is LA and I think we need to go home. It's been years" Bethany would love too. Her showed just wrapped and she really had no reason to stay. "But Derek-" Witney cut her off. "You're not coming back for him. You're going back for you.. And for me." Bethany giggled and began to pack. "Okay."

    She looked around the airport, and finally saw her. "Wit!" She flung her arms around her and Witney sighed,"It feels so good to be home." Beth nodded and smiled.

    They knocked on the door and a child answered the door, "Jamie!" Witney shouted, "Do I know you?" The little boy said raising an eyebrow. "Of course you do. I'm aunt Witney." The little boy shook his head, "Sorry-" he was cut off. "Witney! Beth!" BC shouted hugging them rushing them in the door.

      "Cute kid," she said. "He's a mess, he's 5 going on 25." BC giggled. Beth was suddenly upset she missed her own godson grow up. "Is that Bethany Mota and Witney Carson?" Mark questioned turning the corner. "Indeed it is!" Bethany said hugging him tight.

     The door opened and everyone turned around to see who it was. Mark's eyes got big and he turned on his heel to leave the room. Derek and a very pretty women entered the room. Their eyes met and they just stared at one another. Jamie broke the silence, "Hey uncle Derek, hi soon to be Aunt Brooke." He said jumping into Derek's arms.

     Witney hugged Derek tightly and she shook the girls hand. "Hi I'm Witney," she said noticing the ring on her finger. "My name is-" the women began but before she could speak Witney turned around and left. She chuckled and her eyes met his again. "Hey, Derek." He looked at her questionably. "Hello, Beth." She excused herself and walked outside with Jamie.

      Mark walked up to her and hugged her again. "I'm glad your back, Bethany." Bethany smiled, "Who is she?" She asked hopelessly. "Her name is Brooke. They met a couple years ago at some party. She's nice and-" Beth looked at him with questioning eyes, "Yeah. Happened a couple months ago" She put her head down, "That was my ring," she whispered, downing the drink in her hand.

    It was a few days later and Val decided to throw a party. She decided to go, knowing they'd be there. She put on a black silky dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She thought to herself about how she wasn't going to let them get to her.

      All night they kept making eye contact and every time Brooke saw Beth she would kiss him. Bethany finally couldn't take it any longer and ran up to the balcony. There he was. "Sorry I'll go," she said. "No." He demanded.

   "What's going on?" He asked. "What's going on is 3 years ago you showed up in New York and ambushed me," she said. "By ambushed you mean proposed to you?" He questioned. "Yes that was driven by some wild thought. Totally out of the blue," she stopped.

     "Let me tell you how you get always Bethany. When a man ask you to marry him you say yes you don't say no and call it wild." He said angrily. "Oh god, Derek. I didn't say no! I said someday. I wanted to marry you so bad. I wasn't ready then. But you gave up on us," he got closer to her. "I gave up on us?" He shouted. "By proposing, I gave up on us?"

     "No by not waiting you gave up on us and you know that's the truth!" She shouted back. "No you gave up on me,  I hate you!" He yelled at her, and she felt like everything they ever once did died. They stood in silence and finally he broke it.

    "I  don't hate you. I remember the first time I ever saw you, all skinny arms and tangled mess of hair. It was hard letting you go Bethany. You know? It was hard losing you and it was hard seeing you again and it's still really hard," he said sheepishly. "I know. While I'm asleep, I have this dream where we're back in that hotel room in New York and you proposed to me and every single time I say yes."

     "But that's just a dream right?" He looked up at her, "That's my dream." She didn't know if she should bring it up but she did anyways, "She has my ring."

     "Beth-" she only shook her head and laughed. "I guess it wasn't really mine. It was your moms. She must be pretty special," he looked into her eyes. "She is." Bethany nodded, "Then you better get back down there." He got up and stood behind her, his chin brushing against her hair, she heard him whisper "I can't," and he turned to walk off.

     part 2??

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