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Her flight had just landed and she was secretly hoping it wasn't already 8. So, she would have a excuse of why she wasn't able to watch. But, it was only 7:00 and she headed to Janel's house to watch the premiere of Dancing With The Stars Season 20.

Janel wasn't that excited to watch, either. Both of them knowing the feelings they've had for their past partners, are still present. "He still has feelings for you, Janel." Bethany reassured her friend. "No, he's made it pretty clear. We were just a showmance, nothing more. The producers did everything they could to make others believe that, and then I started too myself. With you and Derek, they tried to keep all of you guys's cute stuff out because of age. You and Derek didn't need to be told to act like your in love, you just automatically did." Janel explained. Bethany just shook her head in disagreement.

If he was in love, he would have called her, he would have texted her like he used too, every morning and every night, he wouldn't have lied, he would have told her he's doing the show this season, he would still hold her close when he did see her occasionally, he wouldn't have a girlfriend, if he was in love with her.

"You ready?" Bethany ask, turning on the TV. "If that's what you would like to call it, sure." Janel said and they both giggled. "Aw there's Sadie!" Bethany shouts. She had always admired Sadie and Mark's friendship and how close they were and still are.

"Next up.. 5 time Olympic gold medallist and 5 time mirror ball trophy winner, Nastia Liukin and her partner Derek Hough." Tom announced. Janel squeezed her hand and they turned their attention back to the television.

She cringed when he called her "babe" like all the countless times he said the same thing to her, when he held her close, when they danced and their faces were so close, when they hugged, but smiled when she got lower scores then she did on Week 1. Is that bad? Oh well.

A few minutes after the show and Janel's freak out about Val referring to her as a "mutual friend" she received a text message that read, "Wish you were here Beth!" With a selfie of Sadie, Alfonso, Witney, Mark, Val, and Artem from Mark.

"Awh! Miss and love you guys!" She texted back, wishing Derek cared enough to speak to her. As if he read her brain a few moments later she hears her phone ring and see's "Hoping you would be here tonight. -D" Her heart broke into a million pieces at that very moment. He wanted her there for support, and who knows what else, and she wasn't.

But then again, where was he for her when she's needed him? Probably, with his beautiful girlfriend. "All those times I needed you, you were know where to be found." She texted back, getting angry. "I never meant to hurt you, B." He replied within the matter of seconds. "Too late now. I have to go. Good job, tonight." She sent her last message and decided to go home.

On her way home he sent her many text, voicemals, and called her countless times, but she ignored them all. She didn't answer because she didn't want her heart to be broken, again.

She was not even half way home yet when Mark calls her, and she picks up. "Beth? Where are you?" He asks and she gets worried. "In the car. Why? What's up?" She asks. "Come to the after party tonight. It will be fun. Ends at 12. You'll have plenty of time! Please!" He begged.

She looked down at what she was wearing and decided it would be fine, and replied with "Ok fine!" She was only going because she knew Derek was going back to New York and this would help get her mind off things.

She walked in and only saw the season 20 cast, Sadie, Alfonso, and the troupe. "Beth!" Mark shouts and runs and picks her up, Sadie and everyone else she knew, following. "Hi, I'm bethany." She introduced herself to everyone she didn't already know, then stops when she sees Nastia turn around. "Bethany, am I right?" She asks and Beth nods. "I've heard a lot about you." She seemed very genuine and sweet, but it still hurt.

She was talking to Val when she hears a door slam and everyone turned to see, Derek. "Bethany, you don't have to do this if you don't want too. We all know he's here for you." Val whispers into the silence of the room as everyone turns to look at Beth and back at Derek who wasn't keeping his eyes off of her.

"Hi, Beth." He says. "Hello, Derek." She says hugging him out of then crazy, stupid, non sense of her heart. "Look, I miss you like crazy. I need you, I want YOU. Nobody else. You not being out there tonight, killed me. I wanted to able to come and hug you and celebrate after the show but you weren't there. I want you to be the very last thing I see at night and the first thing in the morning. Knowing that I've caused you pain and hurt, makes me so angry at myself. I'm so sorry, baby. I can see the pain in your eyes, and you don't have to say anything to this. You could move on and walk away and never see me again. But, Beth, you have to admit there is something here and every knows it." He motions to everyone else and they nod. "I love you, Bethany, and only you." He whispers, moving a piece of hair out of her face.

The room stays silent for a few moments until she finally speaks up, "I love you too." Everyone hoops and hollers, cherishing the moment that they just watched of two people they all cared about deeply, confess their love. "FINALLY." Sadie shouts. "I haven't even known them for 10 minutes and they had me in tears." Willow says. "You deserve this." Alfonso says patting him on the back. "Always been rooting for you two." Val and Mark say.

They both just take in all the love and then turn and look at each other and it felt like the whole world stopped right then, and it was just the two of them. He picks her up and spins her around, and presses a long awaited kiss to her face.

This was the premiere for them. A brand new begging.

This sucked. Sorry guys!

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