Plans Unfold

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A sharp ache throbbed in my head as I slowly opened my eyes. They felt heavy as if a huge weight was placed on them. As my consciousness slowly came back, a strong rusty smell irked my nose and I winced. I wanted to place a hand on my nose but as I tried to move my arms, I felt a tug.

Looking down, I realized I was tied to a chair with a thick rope. My hands too were tied together behind the chair.

"W-What is this -"

I squirmed my hands, trying to loosen the rope, but it was too tight for me. My breath came out as a choke as my heart pounded uncontrollably in my chest. I lifted my head up to take in my surroundings. The place was dimly lit and everywhere I saw piles of big boxes kept around unorganized. The glass windows on the concrete wall were shattered, allowing the chilly night breeze to send a shiver down my back.

It seems that I was in a warehouse that has been abandoned for a while. did I end up here?! What happened back there?? Last thing I remember was...

All the events from that evening rewinded in my mind. I realized I was probably made unconscious by the man who was sent in by my family.

No...he wasn't. They weren't sent by my family!! They weren't who they said they were! They-

A loud sound echoed from the other side of the warehouse. My breath got caught in my throat as I heard footsteps nearing towards me. And not just one but many people's footsteps.

Under the dim light casted by an overhead lightbulb, I made out the silhouettes of around seven to eight people appearing from behind a pile of boxes. Walking towards me, I noticed that one of them was leading the entire pack.

The group stopped a few feet away from me. I furrowed my brows in an attempt to not look scared but my eyes were already getting moist and my throat felt dry out of fright.

"Who are you?! And why did you bring me here?! I demand an answer!!" I mustered all my courage to shout while holding back my tears.

A small snicker erupted from the man at the front as he quietly walked up to me. The light finally fell on his figure and I made out his features. He was a sturdy Japanese man with a crooked smile, wearing a long black overcoat.


The man finally spoke in a deep loud voice. Suddenly, one of his men at the back called out.


He stepped up to the man and stood beside him. As soon as I saw him, I immediately recognized him. He was the same man who attacked me with the katana that evening.

My mind was filling with more and more confusions. Who were they? What do they want from me?!

The man turned to "Kusuhara" and ushered him towards me. "Douzo."

"Hai, wakarimashita."

The man named Kusuhara turned towards me and spoke in an accented English. "You must be wondering why we brought you here," he said.

I gulped. "T-The man from before told me I have been taken hostage."

"Yes. Good. I don't need to explain much then. You see, we kidnapped you because we want information about something," he continued in a monotonous voice.

"Information...?" I looked at him with wide eyes.

What information can they get from me? What are they even talking about?

"You are currently living in the Hetalia Mansion with the existing countries, yes?"

"Y-Yes," I uttered.

"So, you must be knowing some internal affairs or secrets going on in there, right?" Kusuhara lifted the brim of his hat to reveal a scar on his left eye.


"I don't know any such thing! I'm just a visitor there! They don't tell me these things!" I explained.

Kusuhara calmly stared at me. "Are you sure you don't know anything? About their schedules, meetings or security?"

"No, I don't! I- "

A sudden memory replayed before my eyes.

"Worse. The security of this mansion is completely computerized. If we don't start the systems again then any intruder can break in."

Arthur once told me about the security of the Hetalia Mansion being completely computerized. If they find out...

I fell in a daze. Kusuhara noticed it and immediately said, "So you do know something."

I snapped out of my thoughts. "N-No! I told you I don't know anything! How could I know something like that?" I tried to persuade them to believe me.

A small smile appeared on the hat-bearing man. "The daughter of a government official who can get her father to make arrangements for her to visit the Hetalia Mansion can probably find out important secrets if she wants."

My eyes widened in disbelief. " you know about me?"

"(Y/n) (L/n), daughter of one of the highest government officials of your country. You had a life-long dream of visiting the Hetalia Mansion to meet a certain country. We investigated everything about you so we could get our hands on you," Kusuhara calmly stated.

I frowned at the words. I never imagined to become targeted like this.

" my father alright? The accident...?"

Suddenly, the sturdy man who was quietly standing and watching over our conversation burst out in laughter. "Chichi wa daijyoubu da," he said.

I looked over to Kusuhara. He cleared his throat and replied. "Our boss is saying that your father is okay."

I let out a sigh in relief. At least my father was okay, although my own situation was rigid at the moment. I tugged at the rope tied at my hands again but it was futile.

"No use. Just tell us everything. Or would you like us to use force?" Kusuhara demanded.

My heart started racing again on hearing that. Should I...tell them?


Kusuhara's eyes glinted in excitement. The boss leaned in to hear as well.

No. I can't tell them. If they find out about the security system at the mansion, many countries' lives will be in danger.

" nothing I have to tell," I looked back at them with determined eyes.

The glint in the man's eyes soon vanished and was replaced with soulless void. "You are stubborn. You remind me of someone. He is just as stubborn as you are. Honda Kiku...ano yaro..." he muttered under his breath.


"How do you know- "

"Enough with the talking!" Kusuhara growled. I watched as his face twisted in anger and slowly pull something out from under his overcoat.

My face went pale as he brought out his katana.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you. But I can't guarantee your limbs," he smirked.

My heart beat faster and faster as he slowly approached. Even after trying so hard, I couldn't control the warm tears falling down my cheeks. I pursed my lips and closed my eyes, preparing myself for my doomed fate that I chose.

Is this...all over for me? Is this...where it ends?

Is this...


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