{16k Special Chapter}

115 8 2

Me: *promising that I would publish the second part on 15k milestone*

Also me: *doesn't expect it to happen soon*

Also me: *surprised Pikachu face on seeing 16.2k reads so soon*

Seriously though, I can't thank you guys enough for giving this book a chance and supporting me throughout this whole time. More adventures and twists await in the future! Till then, enjoy this chapter~


Part 2

"Aiyah! What a bother, aru!"

Yao walked up to me, scratching his head. He gave out a deep sigh.

I giggled.

"Why don't we team up then, Yao?" I asked.

I saw his face lit up. "Shì!" he beamed.

Back in my room, Yao and I searched through a recipe book on making hamburgers. We flipped through pages till we came across a recipe we could try out.

"Let's get to the kitchen then, aru," Yao stood up with the book in his hand.

"This is the first time I'm making hamburgers. I hope I can be of help to you," I nervously smiled.

Yao chuckled. "Don't worry, (Y/n). I'm sure you'll be okay, aru. And I'll be there to help you whenever you need me too! We are a team!" He winked at me.

I smiled at his encouragement.

We made our way to the kitchen. Many countries were already working on their hamburgers. We found a free spot and started preparing the ingredients.

It took a bit of time for us to make a hamburger from scratch. Other countries had already started leaving the kitchen with their freshly-made ones. Hardly a few of us were still there.

"Done, aru!"

At last we made a tasty-looking hamburger. We weren't much hopeful against the others, but we were proud of what we came up with.

"Now let's take this out," I said.

I was about to take the plate when Yao's hands accidentally touched against mine. His face turned red as he quickly retreated. "I'm sorry, aru. I thought I would take it," he looked away, still blushing.

Yao's hands...were so warm...

Snapping out of my daze, I tried to hide my own flushed face.

Why was I always feeling this way around him nowadays? Does he feel the same way too? Or was it just me...?

"We should take this outside now, aru," Yao grabbed the dish. "Let's go, (Y/n)."

His smile was just as endearing as always. Something that I always loved about this man.

I wonder...if there's anything you love about me too, Yao...

I returned his smile and nodded.

As we were heading out of the kitchen, we heard a small scream from behind followed by a thud.

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