Late Night Chat

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After Yao left, I got changed into my nightgown and prepared for bed.

"I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I should go to sleep now," I thought.

Resting my head onto the pillow, I closed my eyes. I was too excited for the next day to even sleep, but gradually dozed off.

After a few hours of dreamless light sleep, I was about to go into a deep slumber when suddenly a light cough woke me up.

I sat up and picked the glass of water from the bedside but found it empty. I checked the water jug and found it nearly empty too.

Sighing, I decided to go refill it.

I carefully opened my door and stepped out in the dark corridor. Luckily I had brought my flashlight with me to show the way.

I entered the kitchen and started filling my jug to the brim, drowsily. Without my noticing, the water kept spilling out.

A gentle tap on my shoulder suddenly brought me back to my senses and I immediately closed the tap. I looked behind to see who it was.

A tall blonde man winked at me with his finger pressed to his lips.

"Francis!" I whispered.

"Mademoiselle, this isn't a good place to fall asleep in," he joked.
I blushed in embarrassment.

Francis must've noticed this. His smile changed to a brotherly one as he took the jug from my hand. "Why don't you come and chat with us till I make you some herbal tea?"

"'Us'?" I stared at him, confused.

The French nation smiled as he quietly led me through the corridor till we reached a door. He gently but firmly knocked on it. "We're coming."

He opened the door to reveal Ludwig sitting at a table, looking through a file in his hand with great scrutinity. The lights were dim but a small fireplace provided enough illumination to see.

"'We'?" Ludwig looked up and his eyes landed on me.

"(Y/n)? Why are you up so late?" he asked.

"Well, I..." I looked at Francis who simply gave a lazy smile and shrugged. "I will bring some tea for us all," saying this, he closed the door behind him and left.

The crackling of the fireplace was the only sound that filled the room after he left. Finally, Ludwig asked again. "Why are you here?"

"I was actually filling my water jug when I met Francis and he brought me here," I explained.

"Hmm, that explains it. You can sit down here till he comes," Ludwig offered.
"Umm, thank you!"

He went back to his work while I sat on the sofa and quietly watched the fireplace.

I realized that I never talked with Ludwig properly before. He always looked so distant and fearful, I sometimes avoided starting a conversation with him.

Maybe I should...

"L-Ludwig?" My voice cracked on calling his name. I felt like an idiot.

The German man peered at me through his reading glasses. "Anything I can help you with, (Y/n)?"

I shook my head. "I just wanted to say thank you," I said.

Keeping the file in his hand down, he stared at me in confusion. "Thank you for?"

"For always looking after everyone in the mansion. You keep check on everything without ever asking for any appreciation for your hard work. You even made sure my stay in the mansion was comfortable," I smiled.

Ludwig didn't budge from his position. He stared at me, astounded.

"That's why," I stood up and bowed. "Thank you very much for your hard work, Ludwig."

I awaited for his reply, nervously. All of a sudden I heard a small sniff. I looked up to see Ludwig with his glasses down, rubbing his eyes.

"Ludwig, I'm sorry if I―"

I stopped and stared at him. Were those...tears?

"Just take this as a repentence," he put on his glasses back and gave a diligent smile.

Repentence? For what―

I finally understood what he meant. Lowering my gaze, I remembered that the world was never a nice place. Yet, seeing Ludwig still regret it and devoting himself to everyone's well-being brought peace to my mind.

"And thank you, (Y/n). For coming to this mansion," he earnestly said.

I gave him a warm smile.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and Francis came in with a tray of herbal tea.

"I kept your jug in your room," he said.
"Thank you so much," I thanked him.

Ludwig got up from his seat and joined us for tea. We had light conversations in between and I found out that Ludwig always worked till late night and Francis sometimes helped him out.

They really work a lot, I thought.

After finishing my tea, I wished them goodnight and went back to my room. Even though it's late now, I had a wonderful chat with them. And I hope someday Ludwig gets to redeem himself and never have to repent again.

Till then, we can only hope.

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