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I couldn't reply. Rather, I didn't have to reply. My red face gave away the answer.

Yao smiled. "I knew it, aru."
"But how?" I asked, innocently.

He chuckled. "I'm not called the most mature country for nothing, aru. I could see it in your eyes, your behavior and your words. Too bad Japan did not notice this yet."

I frowned. "But what if he doesn't like me back? What if he finds me unworthy?"

Yao came close to me and placed both his hands on my shoulders. "You aren't unworthy of any man in this world, (Y/n). You are the most wonderful girl I've ever met, aru. The most gentle and kindest. Any man would give his heart to you. Even my little brother, Japan!"

"Kiku is your little brother?" I was surprised at this.

The Chinese man smiled. "We aren't related, but I raised him aru. And the other Asian countries too. They are my family."

"I see. That's wonderful, Yao. You're a kind person."
"Aiyah, is that so?" He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.
I smiled.

"Okay, aru! I will make sure you and Japan end up together!" Yao said, excited.

I blushed. "R-Really?"
"Shì! I promise! And that way, I'll have a cute younger sister too, aru!"
I giggled. "I would love to."

He pulled me into a hug. "Yay! Thank you, (Y/n) aru!" I hugged him back. Although I wasn't used to being this close to a man, Yao was different. He was like a good friend to me now.

We broke the hug as Yao took my hand and dragged me out of the room. "Where are we going, Yao?"

"To Japan, aru!"

Yao led me through the long corridor and we stepped in front of a door. He went up and knocked.

"Yes, come in," came the reply from inside.

The Chinese man pushed open the door and entered. "Japan!"
I followed him inside.

"Tsk...Mr. China, it's you again," Kiku said.

Wait. Did Kiku just tsked? And why is he referring his older brother as 'Mr.'?

Yao went close to his younger brother. "Japan! Did you enjoy today with (Y/n), aru? And me too, obviously!"
"What do you think about (Y/n), aru?"

Yao! He's directly asking him if he likes me or not!

Kiku thought for a moment. "I think she is a nice person," he said, looking at me and smiled. I felt my heart beating faster again.

"Aiyah! That's good news, aru!!"

Yao pounced upon Kiku and hugged him tightly. Kiku struggled to free himself. I suppressed my laughter somehow. But then, the Japanese country pushed his elder brother away.

"Don't touch me!"

I was taken aback by his sudden behavior. Yao's smile faded too.

Kiku looked away. "Please leave. I want some time alone."

"What, are you not well, Japan? It's okay, aru! (Y/n), let's go!" Yao headed towards the door but as he walked past me, I saw grief on his face. His eyes were covered by his dark bangs.

"Yao, wait!" I turned to Kiku and bowed. "Sorry to disturb you..."

He did not turn to me nor did he say something. That deeply hurt me but I turned around and walked out of the room.

I searched for Yao but couldn't find him anywhere. Disheartened, I went back to my room. I pulled the curtains of my window and gazed out. My room overlooked the gardens. Suddenly, my eyes landed on a dark‐haired figure, playing with a small panda in his hands.


I quickly went into the garden and called him. "Yao! Yao!"
He turned around.

"Oh, (Y/n) aru!"

I stopped in front of him. "What is going on? Why was Kiku behaving like that towards you?"

He looked down at the ground, smiling sadly. Then he faced me. "It's nothing, aru. We just...share a bit of history together..."
"I see..." I frowned.

"Don't worry, (Y/n)! I promised you that I would bring you closer to your love. And a Chinese man never breaks his promise, aru!"
I smiled. "Thank you, Yao."
Then he muttered softly. "Only if Japan hadn't broken his promise..."
"What was that?"
"Oh, nothing, aru! Let's go!"

We didn't talk much about it afterwards. I didn't want to make Yao upset again. That night, all the countries and I had dinner together. I noticed that Yao and Kiku sat far from each other.

I was getting curious. What happened between them? Maybe I would get my answer later...

Finding Love (China x Female Reader x Japan)Where stories live. Discover now