Blooming Affections

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"You just came back from Japan and now you're going to China?! Dudette, you're living the life!" Alfred cried out.

Yao and I had just announced our trip to China and some countries were already losing over it.

"S-So will it just be you two...alone?" Francis pressed his hands on both sides of his face dramatically.

"It's not what you're thinking, aru!!" Yao yelled, embarrassed.

I softly chuckled.

We all were in the living room, talking about  the trip in the next two days. The chilly evening breeze blew in through the window and made the ambience much cooler.

"So, this how far this has come to, huh?" Antonio rubbed his chin. "Well? When's the weddin―"

The Spanish nation fell down as he got hit by a cushion thrown at him by Yao.

As if my face wasn't red enough, his face was even redder. We both were probably blushing profusely now more than we ever did in our lives.

Yao took a glance at me and his cheeks turned even more scarlet as our eyes met each other's. Averting his eyes, he looked down nervously. I could feel my heart leap in my chest at his glance too.

"Listen, everyone," Ludwig finally stepped in the conversation. "If they are saying that this trip isn't anything what many are imagining here, then we must respect it."

"Germany, aru..."

My respect for Ludwig increased even more after what he said.

"However," he cleared his throat and looked over at me and Yao. "If you two ever decide to elope, let me make it clear that you have my full support," he said with a straight face.

Yao and I sweatdropped.

"Y-Yes, aru. By the way, we should be going now. (Y/n) and I will head to the airport in the morning, day after tomorrow, aru."

I nodded. "We will miss you guys. And don't worry about me, Yao will take care of me," I said.

"Ohhhhh~" A few countries teased us, but soon stopped when they saw Yao picking up more cushions.

We laughed. I gently pulled Yao close and out into the corridor with me. He let out a deep sigh.

"I knew they would do this, aru," he said. Then he looked at me worriedly. "I hope they didn't make you feel uncomfortable, (Y/n)."

I shook my head. "I didn't mind at all, Yao. But seeing you blushing so hard and throwing cushions made me almost laugh," I smiled.

Yao's cheeks got dusted with a faint pink hue again as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Well, it's you, aru," he softly said.

My eyes widened at his words.

"W-What do you..." I stared at him, blushing.
"I-I...meant that since it's you, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, aru! That's why I did that!" he nervously explained.


We both looked down for a while, unable to meet each other's eyes, when Yao finally spoke up.

"Aiyah! I almost forgot!" He searched inside his long sleeves and took out something. "Here, aru."

He handed me a flight ticket.

"Take care of it, aru. I'll see you tomorrow. Wǎn'an," he patted on my head before leaving for his room.

I watched him walk from behind till he disappeared in the corridor. I turned and made my way to my room as well.

Back in my room, I kept the ticket safe inside my drawer.

I smiled thinking about our trip to China when a sudden knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

Who could it be at this hour? Is it Yao?

I went over and opened the door to a familiar raven-haired man standing before me.


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