Under the Cherry Blossoms

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I looked around me in amazement. Everywhere I see, soft pink petals fluttered around with the breeze. The petals gently fell on the soft grass, creating a snow-like cover of petals underneath the Cherry Blossom trees.

The air held a fragrance of fresh flowers and cooked food which people brought with them. I gazed around and saw families setting up their picnic spots under trees and enjoying themselves. Children ran around, playing with each other. Some people sang with their groups in the karaoke mics and laughed. Everyone seemed so delighted in this beautiful ambience.

"It's as if a dream," I whispered, smiling.

"Hey, guys! There's a spot empty there!" Antonio called out.

The countries ran and dropped themselves onto the ground as petals fell over them. They laughed under the Cherry Blossoms with big smiles on their faces.

I watched them play from afar.

"(Y/n), what are you doing there? Come here, aru!" Yao called from there.

A smile crossed my face as I nodded and headed towards their direction.

We set up the picnic cloth and took out the food. The delicious smell spread out and earned a bunch of stomach growls.

"Let's start!"

We helped ourselves to some dumplings first. It is said that eating dumplings while flower-viewing is a wonderful experience.

"Hey, dude! Don't eat so many all at once!" Alfred cried.

Lovino was holding three sticks in each hand and shoved the dumplings into his mouth, one by one. "I eat how much I want to, you bastard!"

"Ve~ Bella, bella! Look, Japan and I made these riceballs together," Feliciano showed me one of his perfectly-triangular riceballs.
"It looks tasty, Feliciano," I smiled.
"Ve~" he let out a shyful smile.

I turned and saw Antonio and Alfred having a ricecake-eating competition.

"Just wait and see me win!"
"No one can defeat the hero!"
"You'll see!"

Lovino stared at them with an unamused look. "Didn't you tell me not to eat too much together just earlier?" he said with a raised brow.

I suppressed a giggle.

It sure was fun having an outing together!

I held out my hand to take the flask containing green tea, when I accidentally touched hands with someone else.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't - "

My eyes locked with Kiku's. He withdrew his hand and looked away. "It's alright. Please don't worry," he said.

I tried to study his expression but it remained unreadable. I frowned from his lack of enthusiasm.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Yao. He looked at me with a worried face but soon he brightened up.

"(Y/n), sing something for us, aru," he smiled as he gave me the mic.

"U-Umm...me?" I looked at him, surprised.

In no time, everyone started cheering for me.

"Go, bella!"
"Flaunt your beautiful voice before us, mademoiselle~"
"(Y/n), go for it!"

I looked around, embarrassed. I took in a deep breath and brought the mic closer.

"T-This was something that I learnt sometime ago..." I said, flustered.

"Wa! Wa! Wa! World~ Wa! Wa! Wa! World~
Let's form a round circle
Form a flower
And dance to the world's beat."

Alfred chimed in. "Hey, I know that song! Douruffu~!"

I smiled. "Everyone, please join!"

One two!
Ichi, ni!
Yi, er!
One, two!
Eins, Zwei!
Un, deux!
O sole mio- Neapolitana spaghetti~"

"Italy! Why are you bringing food into this?!" Ludwig fumed.
"But I thought it would be fun, ve~!!" Feliciano defended.

We laughed at their antics.

The sun soon started setting down. Families and groups started dispersing, meanwhile we decided to hang out a bit longer. I stood by the pond under a Cherry Blossom tree, alone, gazing at the sunset.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I turned back to the familiar voice.

Author's Note: The song sung here was "Wa! Wa!! World Ondo". I take no credits for the song. It belongs to its rightful owners.

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