Reflection of the Past

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Standing before Kiku's room, I took in a deep breath.

This is it. All the answers that I ever wanted from you, Kiku...for what you've done to Yao...I'll surely get them.

I knocked on the door and patiently waited.

"Please come in," came a voice from inside.

Opening the door, I saw Kiku sitting on his sofa, folding papers into origami. I noticed many animals and shapes he crafted.

He looked calm while folding them, but his expressions were unreadable. It was as if I was staring at an emotionless doll who blankly did what he felt like.

I closed the door behind me.

"Kiku, it's me."

Looking up, he set the paper down and stood up.

"Thank you for coming. May I ask how it went with Mr. China?" he gave a cold smile.

I clenched my fist. Did he already know what was going to happen?

"He...said he was happy for me," I averted my eyes as I recalled Yao's forced smile.

"I am glad he gave us his blessings," Kiku remarked.

I looked at him. He seemed so indifferent towards Yao, knowing he had feelings for...

I sighed.

"Kiku, I came here to ask you something," I said, ignoring his words.

He stared at me with emotionless eyes. The same eyes which were once sparkling with kindness a few hours ago.

"What is it that you want to ask, Miss (Y/n)?"

Looking straight at him, I questioned. "Were you the one who gave Yao that scar on his back?"

I noticed a glint of emotion appear in his dark eyes. However, he immediately looked away, making his bangs cover them.

"What if I say I was?" he softly spoke. can't just admit it like that without any care... 

I grabbed his hand. "How could you do this to him!! He loved you so much!" I cried.

Kiku didn't look at me. He kept his gaze away without saying a word.

"Why did you do that, Kiku?! Why??"

Suddenly he placed his other hand on mine and slowly pulled it away. I stared at him.

A mournful smile crept on his lips.

"Whatever happened in the past can't be changed. Even if we want too."

Kiku, are you regretful...?

I shook my head. "Even if you can't, you can always apologize for it. Kiku, please apologize to Yao! He has been hurt all this time!"

He looked at me, dejected.

"Why do you care about Mr. China so much? What is he to you? Wasn't I the one whom you loved?"

My eyes went wide.

He wasn't wrong. Kiku was the one whom I loved. But Yao, he...

"H-He is very important to me," I said as a small blush crept on my cheeks.

Kiku studied me curiously. "I see. But Miss (Y/n), he never asked you to do this for him, did he?"

"But I―"

Wait a minute. Why was Kiku so much eager to put Yao down? Did he...

"Kiku, do you feel inferior to Yao?" I asked with a frown.

His mouth dropped. His calm features were now replaced with a dumbstruck expression.

"I knew it. Kiku, there's nothing―"
"Please leave."

His voice was shaky. I looked at him, worried.

"Kiku, I'm sorry..."

His grip on my hand suddenly became tighter. I winced in pain. "K-Kiku..."

Realizing what he just did, he let go of my hand.

"I'm sorry, Miss (Y/n). There are some things you shouldn't bother about," he turned back and walked towards his origami table again.

"However," he stopped on his tracks and turned around.

"I'm deeply sorry for hurting you, Miss (Y/n). And I will still wait for your answer," he said with an apologetic smile.

I frowned as I watched him go back to folding papers again. Sighing, I walked out of his room.

I walked through the corridor, my mind preoccupied with many thoughts.

"Oh, love! Thank goodness I found you here!"

Arthur walked up to me and gave a gentleman-like bow. His face was fallen in a frown.

"Arthur, is there something wrong?"
"Yes, love. It's about your stay in this mansion."


After (Y/n) left, Kiku couldn't get off the heavy burden he felt in his heart. With every fold he made, his hands shook.

Finally setting down his half-done origami, he stood up and looked into the mirror. His reflection stared back at him with the same pity he felt for himself.

How could he ask for Yao's forgiveness when he couldn't even forgive himself?

Walking towards the window, he looked out into the sunset.

"Miss (Y/n), as I promised...I won't regret this..."

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