Eternal Scar

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"Hmm? Who is‐ (Y‐Y/n)?!" Yao flinched as he saw me standing at the doorway. He quickly tried to cover his upper body with the T‐Shirt he was holding. Blushing red like a tomato, he stammered.

"(Y‐Y/n), what are you ‐"

"Yao, that scar..." I looked at him straight in the eye with concern.

I watched as his eyes widened.  He averted his gaze and spoke. "That's something I got during a war, aru."

Such a big scar?! How did he get that? Who did this to him??

" still hurt?" I asked in a worried tone.

Letting out a deep breath, Yao faced me. But this time, his face held that same sad smile again as before. I realized that I made him remember something he didn't wish to remember again.

"It does, aru...But I'm used to it now..."

His smile wasn't enough to hide the sorrow that I could see in his dark orbs. The lion that I once knew as strong and mighty...was drowning in his own grief...

I clenched my fists. "Please don't lie to me, Yao..."

Yao looked at me, surprised.

"I can see that you're hurt! Not just the scar on your back but in your heart too! I...I know that I won't be able to heal the one on your back, but‐"

I stopped as I realized what I just said. Yao seemed more shocked now.

"W‐What I mean is..." I tried to find words to explain myself.

"It's no use, aru..."
I looked at him.

"This eternal, aru..."

Yao put his fresh T‐Shirt on and quietly walked past me. Before leaving the changing room, he looked back at me and gave a remorseful smile.

I watched as he left. His words echoed in my ears.

"This eternal, aru..."

But...which scar was he talking about? The one on his back? Or the one in his...

Frowning, I came out of the changing room. I saw everyone packing their stuff.

"Alright, guys! Let's call it a day!" Alfred pumped his fist in the air.

I took my stuff and started packing as well. However, my mind was still occupied with Yao's condition. His downhearted face kept drifting before my eyes.

"(Y/n), you seem a bit distracted," Antonio said to me.
I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh?, why?"
"Because you're putting my stuff inside your bag too," he said, chuckling.

I realized that I accidentally put Antonio's sunscreen lotion inside my bag. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I handed it back to him.

"It's alright, (Y/n)," he said, smiling.

"Kesesesese! Is there something on (Y/n)'s mind?" Gilbert joined in.
"Umm, actually there is..." I said.

Both the male countries looked at me, confused.

I took in a deep breath. "Do you happen to know about the scar on Yao's back?"

I saw the expressions of the two men change from an astounded to a grim look. They glanced at each other before finally speaking up.

"We would tell you about this, (Y/n). But now is not the right time," Gilbert said quietly.

"But when is?" I insisted.

"Soon," Antonio replied.

I stayed silent. Maybe it was something that even Antonio and Gilbert didn't want to talk about. I decided that now wasn't the right time.

By evening, we returned to the mansion.

As we were entering, we found Kiku coming out with a suitcase and a few luggages.

"Japan, where are you going?" Arthur asked.

Kiku hesitated a bit before saying. "I am very sorry, but I have been feeling a bit homesick for the past few days. I would like to go back to my country for some time."

We all gasped.

Ludwig went up to him. "Japan, are you sure nothing else is bothering you?"

The raven‐haired Japanese shook his head.

Ludwig sighed. "Alright, then. You can go. Be sure to stay in contact with us."

"Thank you very much," Kiku said, bowing.

We watched as Kiku left the mansion in a car till it faded into the distance.

I somehow felt that I was the one to blame in this situation. He has been acting strange ever since the confession day.

I think...I really am the one to blame. If only I never confessed to him. If only...I never ‐

"Don't vainly regret your past..."

Yao's words that he once told me rang in my head again.

No, I must not overthink it. I'm sure if Kiku is in any problem, he can solve it on his own. That's what I know about him. That's what I know about the man I have loved for years.

The spring nighttime slowly grew with occasional cool breeze rustling the leaves and more new events awaiting to happen.

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