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"This is where the meeting will be held, aru!"

We stood before the Shanghai Tower which rose to enormous heights in the sky. The top portion of the skyscraper was barely visible from down here. I stared at it, amazed.

"Did you know, aru?" Yao turned to me. "This i one of the tallest building in the world!"

"That's amazing!!"

I looked up, trying to see the top, but to no avail. I was about to look away when something in the sky distracted me.

It looked like a long...dragon?!

No, that's impossible!! I shook my head, assuring myself that it was just my imagination.

"Let's go, aru!" Yao called as he stepped inside.

I took a last glance up at the skyscraper again, but there was nothing there. Concluding it as my imagination, I followed Yao inside the building.

The Shanghai Tower was grand from inside. Not only were there technologically advanced devices, but also many antiques and artifacts displayed as decors. Behind the glasses there were occasional small trees here and there.

"Yao, these are outstanding!" I exclaimed.
He grinned. "Who do you think made all these?"

Sometimes I forget how strong as a country he is. Just like Kiku, he worked hard to make all these. Even though he hasn't let go of the past, he still strives towards the future, and never gives up.

I smiled, knowing that he has a strong heart and willpower.

After walking in through the lobby, we waited in front of the elevator. We talked amongst ourselves, until...


We heard a shout from behind us and turned.

A brunette man with a long curl sticking out of his hair came running towards us. I couldn't recognize which country his white and blue outfit was from, but he ran so fast towards us, we nearly got scared to death.


The man pounced onto Yao and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hyung! It's been such a while, da-ze!!"
"Korea! Can you let me go, aru?!"

So this was Korea! He was once raised by Yao too, wasn't he?

I watched as Yao struggled to get the Korean man off him, until the man's eyes landed on me. He pulled away from his elder brother and came towards me. "Are you hyung's girlfriend??" he asked, excitedly.

I blushed on the sudden question. "I...umm..."

"Aiyah! What are you asking her, Korea?! Behave yourself, aru!!" Yao's face turned red.

The man cheerfully grinned at me. "My name is Im Young Soo, da-ze. And from now on, I will call you Noona!!"

He was about to pounce on me too but a sharp kick to his stomach made him fall down, groaning in pain.

"Don't you dare touch her, aru!!" Yao fumed.
"Y-You're mean...h-hyung..." Young Soo stayed on the floor.

"Everyone looks joyful today!"

We turned to see Leon and a girl wearing a pink dress, standing there. The girl had a beautiful ornmental flower adorning her hair.

"Hong Kong! Taiwan! It's good to see you two, aru!!" Yao run upto them and pulled them into a hug.

"We too, I guess," Leon averted his gaze.
"Haha, don't say that Hong Kong," the girl smiled.

"Oh! Taiwan, I want to introduce you to someone, aru! Meet―"

"(Y/n), right?"

I looked at Taiwan, surprised. "How did you know my name?" I asked.

She giggled. "I know everything! My name is Xiao Mei, but you can just call me Mei. Has teacher been good to you?"

I blinked in confusion.

Suddenly, Yao yelled out. "Of course I have been good to her, aru! Why are you all bullying me today?"

Young Soo looked up, his face worn out. "W-Who's bullying whom?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

Finally, the elevator arrived.

"We should be going now, I guess," Leon said, looking at his watch.

We entered the elevator, about to go up. Everyone talked about various things they were doing back home. I looked ahead as the doors closed, when I saw Kiku entering the building.

Our eyes met, and before the doors shut, he gave me a warm smile.

Finding Love (China x Female Reader x Japan)Where stories live. Discover now