Final Farewell

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I was in the living room with Arthur and Ludwig. I sat on the couch while they remained seated across from me.

Arthur seemed a bit anxious. He fidgeted with his fingers while looking down at his lap. Ludwig too seemed serious about something. I watched with unease as neither of them spoke.

An air of tenion built up in the room.

"Umm...What did you need to talk to me about?" I decided to break the ice.

Ludwig sighed. "(Y/n), you were here for a month, weren't you?" he enquired. His tone was more serious than his demeanour.

I timidly nodded.

Arthur finally looked up at me. His thick brows were furrowed with agitation.

"Love, I'm afraid your stay at this mansion is coming to an end."

A wave of shock swept over me.

Wait, so soon...?

As I recounted in my mind everything that happened while I was here, I realized that it has nearly been a month now.


A sad smile crept onto my lips. Time does fly quick when you are having an amazing time with your friends, doesn't it?

I looked at Ludwig and Arthur.

"I understand. My visit was supposed to be for a month and I enjoyed every bit of my stay here. Thank you very much for having me," I stood up and gave a courteous bow.

The two men stood up. "We wish we could help somehow by extending your stay with us, love...But we are helpless too," Arthur gritted his teeth.

I shook my head. "You all did more than enough for me, Arthur," I replied.

I walked up to them and gave them a heartfelt smile.

"Thank you, both of you."

Beads of tears appeared on the Englishman's eyes. He stepped forward and pulled me into a warm embrace. "You were a good girl. We will miss you," he whispered.

Ludwig had his head lowered, probably not wanting me to see his own tears.

Suddenly, the door opened.

We turned to see Feliciano and the others standing at the doorway with tearful eyes.

"Ve~ Bella is leaving us?" he frowned.

I nodded, controlling my urge to cry behind a smile.

"Dudette, did we do something wrong? Are you mad at us?" Alfred asked, worried.

Ludwig cleared his throat.

"(Y/n)'s stay here is coming to an end. If you all really care about her, you should send her off with a smile," he announced.

The room fell silent once again.

I looked around me. Everyone was there, tears in their eyes, unable to say something. Everyone, except Kiku and Yao. But that didn't bother me.

I smiled, realizing how much I was loved by everyone.

Facing towards them, I bowed. "Thank you so much for making my stay so wonderful here! I'll surely come again!"

"You are always welcome to visit anytime, (Y/n)! Just give us a call and we'll pick you up!" Kesesesese!" Gilbert laughed, trying to lift up the mood.

All the nations came up to me and one after another, smiling through their tears, thanked me for visiting them. I thanked them in return for the great time.

Slowly the night grew darker and everyone went back to their rooms.

I closed the door behind me and flopped onto my bed. Warm tears finally made their way down my cheeks.

Just a bit longer...Let me be with them just a bit longer...

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