Enter Yao Wang

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"Ní hăo ma!"

I turned to see who it was. Another Asian man with long hair tied in a ponytail, entered the room. He wore a red Chinese dress and I quickly understood that he was most probably China.

"Umm...China?" The words spilled out from my mouth without me even knowing.

Oh no. What did I just say?

The other countries frowned. "So you want China to be your guide, love?" Arthur asked.
"Umm, I...well..."

A confused China stood there blinking. "Can someone tell me what's going on, aru? Who is she?"

"This is (Y/n). She is going to stay here as a guest for a month," Arthur explained.
"Aiyah, I see, aru!"

The Chinese man stepped up to me. "I'm Yao Wang, aru. Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nî!"

I stared at him. I could not comprehend what he said in Chinese. Yao must have understood this so he replied,"It means 'nice to meet you' in Chinese." He smiled.
"Oh, I see."

"So, China! From now on you would *nom nom* (Y/n) for this entire *nom nom*..." Alfred gulped the hamburger in his mouth. "Do you understand?"

"Uhh...no, aru?"

Arthur sighed. "He's saying that you would escort (Y/n) for this entire month. Now have you understood?"
"I see, aru. Okay, I will try my best! Right, (Y/n)?"

I let out a sad smile. I wanted Kiku to be my guide...I wanted to know him better, get close to him...but now...I sighed.

"Let me show you to your room, aru," Yao suggested.
"Yes, thank you."

Yao and I walked through the long corridor. The bright light coming from the large windows lit up the entire place.

"So (Y/n), aru?"
"You have met some of the countries today. How do you like being here?"
"Umm, I must say that everyone is interesting. They are so funny and energetic " I smiled.
He chuckled. "Yes, they are, aru. Sometimes it gets so hard to keep up with them in this old age, aru..."
"Old age?"

"Yes. I am over four thousand years old, aru!"

"Wow, really?!" I was genuinely amazed. I did hear that the countries aged around hundreds of years while they still looked young, but four thousand years was too much!

"Are you the oldest country, Yao?" I asked him.
"Shì! I am the oldest and the most mature country of all, aru! So if you need any help, just ask me, okay?"
I giggled. "Xièxiè."

He stopped and turned to me. "You can speak Chinese, (Y/n)?"
"Oh no, I just know the words 'xièxiè' and 'ní hăo'. But I do know a bit Japanese."
"You do?"
"Yes, Japanese is my favorite language..." Just then, the thought of Kiku not becoming my escort came to my mind.

I became sad and walked in a gloomy manner. The Chinese man noticed this and asked,"(Y/n)? Are you okay, aru?"
"Huh? Oh, yes I am..." I snapped out of my thoughts.

No, I must keep myself composed. If I let my feelings towards Kiku make me behave like that, then I would be making a bad impression of myself before the countries.

"We're here, aru."

Yao opened the door leading to a cutely-decorated bedroom with many soft toys and plushies kept in every corner of the room. Some were kept on the bed too.

I entered, looking around in amazement. "Wow, it's so lovely!"

"You like it, aru?"
I turned to Yao. "Yes, I do!"
"Thank god," he sighed in relief. "Actually it was my responsibility to prepare the room for the guest, aru. I thought you might not like it. But thank god you do!" he let out a cheerful smile.
I giggled. "Thank you so much, Yao."
"You're welcome, aru! And if you need anything - "

Before he could complete his sentence, something rolled out of his long sleeves. I looked what it was.

A little panda!

"Aiyah! Panda, are you alright, aru?" Yao leaned to pick up the small panda, but it came out of his grasp and climbed up my leg.

"Panda, aru!"

I picked up the little animal and petted it. It hopped onto me and landed on my shoulder.

"Aww...it's so cute. Is it your pet, Yao?"
"More like my friend, aru."
"I see...so cute."

The little panda snuggled against my neck and it made me giggle. Yao who was watching this, chuckled.
"Normally he doesn't come out in front of other people, but it seems to have taken a liking for you, aru."
"Really? I'm glad."

The Chinese country came forward and took the panda in his hands, putting it over his own head. The small panda seemed to relax over Yao's head.

"Get some rest, (Y/n). After that you can come to meet the other countries too, aru."
"Thank you, Yao."

He smiled before closing the door after him. I went to my bed and cuddled one of the soft toys.

"Maybe this won't be so bad, after all..." I thought, smiling to myself.

Finding Love (China x Female Reader x Japan)Where stories live. Discover now