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"Was i interrupting something."


"No." I said and cut Paxton off mid sentence. "We were just dancing."

Paxton gave me a weird look and sighed. "I can leave you two here."

"No stay." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. "Devi is going to be leaving a in a few. She just had to tell me something real quick."

Devi looked at me weirdly but eventually got the hint. "Oh yeah. I was just going to tell her that Fabiola and Eve entered themselves into the dance this year for king and queen. Well queen and queen."

"Wait really? Good for them. They will probably win then."

"I know Fab is a little scared about it but Eve is trying to get her to step outside of the box so she's cool."

"I'm just going to go. I'll talk to you later Mercedes." Paxton said and did a little wave and went to the window to leave.

Devi and I stood there for a second and waited to make sure he was gone. I went to my window and closed it, considering anyone could just come in my window, not just Paxton.

"What are you guys now?" Devi asked and i shrugged my shoulders.

"We we're discussing that but you walked in. So he doesn't know what i was going to say."

"So you left a cliffhanger with him." I nodded and she laughed. "You're probably killing him with the suspense. You should probably tell him what you're thinking."

i sighed. "I know." I then went to my bed and plopped down on it. "I will when i see him."

"No Mercedes. You need to go to his house. Like now. Before morning. Before school. It will just eat him up until he actually gets a chance to figure it out."

I stared at her because she was right. I had to go to him now, or i'm never going to get a chance to tell him how i feel.
I got out of my car, it was pitch black out and there was 7 hours until school was going to start. I had left 30 minutes after Paxton left. I hope he's not sleeping now.

I went to the garage door and knocked on it. I saw a light flicker on making the room brighter under the door. There was the sound of the lock unlocking, and the twist of the door knob.

"Mercedes" Paxton squinted and rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing."

"Did i wake you."

"No, i was just laying down in the dark." He had no shirt on and only had his underwear on. He stretched and you could see his muscle flex in the process.

I went up to him and grabbed his face and gave him a big kiss. He felt shocked but grabbed my waist and relaxed. He pulled away and looked at me. I grinned and he did too.

"Is that a yes." He said and his grinned got bigger.

"I mean if you want sure." He dropped his smile and gave me a 'are you fucking serious right now' look. "I'm joking."

He grinned and it got bigger as he looked at me. He then leaned in for a huge hug. Paxton isn't a hug guy so when he hugs you know it is a good thing.

"Listen. Like i like you and all, but i'm also super super tired." I said to him, and broke up the hug. I went to the door and went to grab the handle when i felt a hand at my hand.

"Stay the night. Maybe i can finally sleep without interruptions." I looked at him and smile.

"Sure. Anything for Paxton." I babied. "Let me text my mom so she doesn't think i went missing in the middle of the night.

I grabbed my phone from my waistline and texted her. I knew she was sleeping but when she sees the message she'll know.
*in the morning*

"Get up." I rolled over and groaned as Paxton shook me. Then i rolled back over and went back to sleep. "GET UP." He grabbed a pillow near me and smacked me with it.

"DUDE" I screamed with my face in the pillow. "You fucking asshole." I had sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What are you even doing."

"We have school remember."

"Oh." There was a silence of us just staring at each other. "Good night"

I laid back down but before i hit the pillow paxton grabbed my foot and pulled me off the bed. "DUDE." I yelled at him. "I DROVE SEPARATELY JUST GO"

"Don't yell at me." I rolled my eyes and got up.

"i guess i'll go to school." I got up threw on a hoodie i found on the floor. "Okay i'm ready."

"You- Nevermind. You just. I don't even wanna say."

"What Paxton what." I laughed and he glared at me. "Come on Paxton i wanna go to school." I grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the door.

"I actually hate you."

Paxton and I were walking to our lockers and he had stepped to the side, since my locker area was crowded with people, but i just wanted to push my way through everyone.

I was thinking about my schedule and deciding if i should come prepared to class or if i could just carry around an empty backpack with me all day, but i just put the first book i saw and put it in my bag.

"Hey. I'm going to head to class. I'd love to walk you to class but it is right there and mind is on the other side of the school."

"It's okay Paxton." He nodded and walked away.

I was glad i was back with Paxton but it felt sorta off. I know he probably won't say I love you to each other for a while or even do any of the regular things we use to do, but it's definitely something.

I walked into history and saw Devi on her phone smiling as i walked to my desk next fo her.

"What are you smiling about." I asked Devi and she looked away from her phone still smiling.

"Ben just texted me and asked if we could hang out."

"Ben? like Ben Gross?" She nodded and i looked shocked because i was. "That's new."

"Not really. While you were gone i refuse to spread my dads ashes then felt bad that i wasn't there so Ben drove me so i could spread them with my mom, then we made out in the car after and ever since he's been obsessed with me."

I sat there in aw, on how nonchalantly she described the story. I don't know if it was because she made out with Ben after she spread her dads ashes or if she said she spread her dads ashes so causally.

"I'm sorry? but congrat?" I said because i didn't know the most appropriate thing to say. She laughed and both of our eyes ended up darting to the front of the room

"Okay class. We have a new student." Mr. Shapiro point to this pretty Indian girl, she had awesome eyebrows and a big smile.

"Hello i'm Aneesa. I play soccer and that's all that's interesting about me." Mr. Shapiro looked amazinf and i looked over at Devi who looked like she wanted to square up.

"Another Indian girl huh." I hit devi off to the side. and she put her hands up in defense.

The new girl sat down not too far from us but far enough that she probably couldn't hear us talking. Her hair was lowkey shiny and it made me jealous. So i stared at ti for the rest of the class period.

When the class ended i grabbed my things and went to leave the room. Aneesa was in front of me leaving and Devi was beside me

"I don't even know her but i don't like her" Devi said and i giggled.

"She probably isn't here to do relationship or talking to many boys. Might just want friends Ever think about that Devi?" She gave me a death glare and smirked.

I looked forward and saw Paxton coming towards me. He smiled at me then i saw Aneesa pass him.

"Paxton. Are we going to hang out later?"

Yeah that wasn't me who had asked Paxton that. I was going to, but it wasn't me who did.

It was Aneesa.

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now