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Mercedes's POV

"Bitch wake up. It's important." Devi pokes myself and i rolled over and rubbed my eyes.

"Huh?" Devi put the phone in front of my face acting like i can read that bitch. "What does it even say?"

"Hold on let me get my deep voice activated." I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Hey. This is Aiden Collins. I know you hang out with Mercedes. I was wondering if i can get her number, so i can text her."

"Your voice in on point." I stood up and walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and she followed me.

"Don't change the subject. Go answer him." I sighed, and spit the toothpaste out of my mouth.

"You're going to be the death of me." I walked out of the bathroom and i went to grab my phone to see what Aiden did in fact text me

Hey Mercedes. I was wondering if you and i could maybe hang out at a coffee shop or some place.

I looked over at Devi, and glared at her. I was really bad with relationships and i was always too scared to get involved with a boy. Like if i got involved with Paxton more, then shit would've went down.

"Do i ha-"

"Yes." Devi cut me off.

I'm down. Do you have a time?

I'm happy that you answered. 12? Just dress in some sweatpants or something.

Ou. I love sweatpants.

I'm glad. I'll text you when i'm on my way.

"Sooooooooooo." Devi said acting like she didn't just read my text over my shoulder.

"Stop acting like you're naive you asshole" I laughed and shoved her a little bit. "Can you wake up Eleanor and Fabiola. They are your friends after

Devi went to my dresser and grabbed my two bowling pins i got from my birthday party in like elementary school, and started smacking them together to create a loud noise.


Fabiola and Eleanor both threw themselves up and faced me. "A date?" They said in sync.

"I guess?" I shrugged my shoulders, and went to my closest to find some sweatpants with my pink crop top.

"Why are you wearing that?" Eleanor asked me when i walked out of the closet in the sweatpants.

"He told me to wear sweatpants or something. I don't know."

"Are you going to do anything else with yourself?" I shook my head as Devi started to sit down on my bed.

"Do i look that bad?" She shook her head.

"You should our mascara on."

I rolled my eyes and went off to do my makeup

"HE TEXTED YOU." I heard Devi yelled from my bed.

I walked out there and grabbed my phone from her. She was super hyper and i'm assuming it was because she got her kiss from Paxton last night.

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now