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"Stop it Paxton. You're making me blush, and i'm not even your girlfriend." Fabiola said while holding her heart.

"Oh please, he isn't always this cute." I said while placing my stuff on the counter with Fabiola and Eleanor.

"Not always this cute? You think i'm cute 24/7. Don't lie." I laughed and rolled my eyes and i saw the lady at the cashier laugh as well.

"Is this it for you?" The cashier asked politely and i nodded. "Your total is $60.89" I swiped my card and watched it spin.

Once it spun the lady gave me my bag with the shoes, and handed me the receipt. Paxton then took the bag out of my hand and tried to take the dress.

"No. I'm carrying something. I don't want to look like one of those bratty girlfriends."

"Fine." Fabiola and Eleanor were sitting by the entrance waiting for us to finish up.

"Wanna go to my house?" I asked the girls and they gave me a 'are you crazy' look. "Devi can't do anything if she sees you. You'll be fine."

"I guess that's fine." Eleanor said.

I started to lead the way and got in front of Paxton who then hurried up to be by my side, and the girls walked behind us.

"You always have to be next to me don't you." I joked with him.

"Well, these boys checking you out." I looked around to see a group of boys probably Paxton and I's age staring at me and poking. "They gotta know i'm yours."

He put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to him. I glared at him. "I'm sure when they saw you with me in general they'd try not to mess with you. You way buffer than them."

"Should we go over there and act like we're getting ice cream and i kiss you?"

"Paxton. I think holding hands is going to be fine. Hun." I said and he pulled me closer to him.

We were walking and being indecisive on if we should take a few peeks in some stores. We did and i convinces Paxton to get matching t-shirts with me and he hesitated but did.

"This is stupid." Paxton asked while we walked out of the store. "Matching t-shirts are stupid." He said while talking the bag from my hand.

"But they show how much we love each other." I said while looking at him give me a death glare. "Do you not love me?" I said with puppy eyes.

"No. I do. It's just matching t-shirts? I'm going to get made fun of."

"Well duh that's like the whole point." I nudged him a little bit and he smiled. "You'll be fine. People will know i'm yours at least." I winked.

"That makes me feel a little better i guess."

"Fabiola, isn't matching t-shirts an amazing idea?" I asked as her and Eleanor walked out of the bathroom, then both wearing the same shirts.

"Yes i agree so much."

"This isn't fair cherry. They're wearing matching t-shirts of course they're going to be okay with it." Paxton whined.

"Stop being a damn newborn and be a man." Eleanor sassed towards Paxton.

"Okay but like matching t-shirts doesn't make me a man."

"Deal with it. It is cute and you know it." I pointed to him and he looked stunned.

"Shit." Paxton grinned and looked away from me.

"What Yoshida? What is it?" I taunted him.

"Stopppp." He drug out the word and we all were getting close to the entrance of the mall so we could head to my house.

We all walked in silence, well kinda. The girls behind me were whispering about stupid shit, and trying to make up a reason Paxton was being the way he was.

We got to Paxton's car, and he still hadn't spoke a word to me. "Are you okay hun?" I asked him.


"What was earlier about?" I asked him and he didn't do anything.

"He has a boner Sadie." Fabiola spoke and Paxton hurried and threw a empty water bottle at her.

"PAXTON! What did i say about throwing stuff!" I raised my voice at him and he started to drive off. "But like why did you get a boner?"

"That's what im trying to figure out." Eleanor butt in. "Care to tell us Paxton?"

"IT WAS HOT WHEN YOU SAID 'DEAL WITH IT' AND POINTED YOUR FINGER." I raised my eyebrow and started laughing.

"You're so fucking funny."

"I'm being serious." Paxton looked at me.

"Keep your eyes on the road." Fabiola yelled.

"Me. Being angry? Makes you horny?" He nodded. "Nice to know." I smirked at him and he shook his head while grinning.


Once we arrived at my house Fabiola and Eleanor came in and threw their bags on the ground next to the door.

"Cherry." Paxton said while running up to me and squeezing me.

"What did you do?" I said while giving him a weird look.

"Nothing. I love you." I smiled at him and kissed him.

"I love you too."

"Ew. Stop being fucking cute, and give me attention." Fabiola said and i laughed while running to her and hugging her.

"I love you too Fabiola."

"More than Paxton."

"Don't you da-"

"More than Paxton."

"Oh nuh uh." Paxton ran over to me and pulled me away from Fabiola, well he tried but Fabiola kept holding onto me and didn't let go. "Give me my girlfriend." Paxton hissed.

"She was mine before yours."

"Bitch, no she wasn't." He used all of his strength and pulled me off of her and threw my over my shoulder. "You guy better look away." He said while walking over to the couch.

"PAXTON NOOOO." He threw me into the couch and sat on top of me and started to giggle, as i screamed.

Eventually he stopped and gave me a kiss. "Don't back talk me. It'll turn out bad." He said while winking at me and standing up.

"Stop that hot."

"You think i'm hot?"

"Yes you're hot." I rolled my eyes.

As i said that the door bell rang and all of us looked at each other confused because we didn't know who'd be here.

I went to the door and opened it and i saw Devi standing there looking at me with pleading eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I want to apologize for everything."

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now