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"Mercedes?" At this point my phone had fallen out of my hand and i froze.

I sighed a few different times and grabbed my phone.

Well. Tell her that hickies tend to stay on me longer than usual. I don't fucking know, make some shit up.

Then i shut my phone completely down and set it back where it was, so i could ignore them. I know it wasn't there fault, but i want to spend time with Paxton without worrying about her.

"Are you and Ben friends?" Paxton asked me.

"We've been friends. Just got closer after the party. I was childhood friends with him you know."

"Oh. That's explains how he knew your name on the first day." I laughed.

"You know what's funny." I looked up at him and shifted myself so i was on my side. "I didn't know your name for the whole school day, Devi told me."

"Did you tell her that i gave you my number?"

"You gave me your number?" I messed with him while getting up and heading to my bookbag.

"Please tell me you're not about to do school work right now." I dug to the bottom of my bag and grabbed the wadded up paper at the bottom, then threw it at him. "What is it?"

"Imm not gonna tell your everything, just open it." He opened the paper to see his number written on the paper.

"You saved it?" He looked at me and crumbled it back up.

"Well. I guess you can word it like that. It's more of i had forgotten about it and since you mentioned it i thought it would've been funny to throw it at you."

"Wait. You didn't even look at it when i gave it to you?"

"I did. At school, and i threw it into my bag and it's been sitting there ever since."

"I'm glad you didn't throw it away. It's a good memory."

"Yeah so are these." I lifted my shirt and pointing to the 10-12 hickies on my stomach and side.

"But they'll go away."

"I think we fuck a lot to where they're not going to go away." He laughed and started to touching the hickies.

"You know these are more love marks than hickies in my opinion."

"Why you say that?"

"I haven't given a hickey to anyone you. Only you, that's why." I sat up and looked at him in the eyes and my lip was quivering and my eyes began to water. "I hope those are happy tears about to come out of you."


He sat up and wiped the tears off of my face. "If you keep crying you won't have anymore tears."

"That's the point" He laughed and pulled my onto him. "I'm tired."


"I mean it is almost 2 in the morning. Plus i don't usually sleep so this is a lot for me."

"But i'm tryna spend was much time with you."

"I know hun. You don't have to leave." I turned around so i was on top of him and facing him.

"I have to go home tomorrow though."

"You don't haveeeeeeeee to." I looked at him and started to give him pup eyes.

"Mercedes. Your puppy eyes won't always work."

"Fine. I just won't do them." I said while burying my face into his chest.

"I never said that."

"Then stay." I wrapped my arms around his next and pulled myself up so i was closer to his face. "Please. All you have to do is ask."

Hs sighed and squeezed me. "Little Cherryyy."

"Don't make me call Aiden." I messed with him

"Fine, i'm calling my mom right now." I smiled and hugged him really hard.

As he was typing his mom's name in his phone i said, "Either way i wouldn't have called Aiden, i just know you would give in." He raised his hand and smacked my ass with a mad look in his face. "Ow"

"Did i hurt your?" I shook my head and laughed as he tried to call his mom.

As he was calling him mom and apologizing to her that it was so late i was just staring at the well while messing with his necklace again.

As the conversation was continuing he started twirling my hair, then hung up to call.

"Can you?"

"Yes i can"

"YAY." I lifted my head and gave him a kiss. "I can cuddle with you all weekend."

"Yes you do." He squeezed me once again, and we both ended up falling asleep.



I shot as i heard my mom yell my name. Paxton was still sleeping peacefully. I threw some spandex on and went downstairs.

"Is something wrong mom?" I said while rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"Your dad is going to be home in like 10 minutes."

"10 minutes?"

"Yeah, he's coming for lunch and going to hang out with us for a few hours, then he has to head off again."

"10 minutes?"

"Yeah? Are you okay?"

"Mom. Paxton is in my bed. Dad is going to kill me if he knew a guy stayed the night."

"No, maybe you'll be fine."

"But you know Dad, he's not strict until it comes to guys. He likes to scare them off."

"Hunny, i don't think he's going to be mad at you. You guys didn't do anything last night right?"

"No, we didn't bu-"

"Tell them that."

"How bout, i make sure Paxton is still asleep when dad get here."

"Or just take him home." She suggested.

"No. I want him staying the rest of the weekend. I practically begged him last night.

"Fine. Your dad will come here, and we can try to get him out of here as fast as possible."

"I guess."

As we were talking my dad happen to come home a few minute early. We heard his car door shut and the door knob turn.

"I'm home girls." My dad walked up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then went up to my mom and gave her a kiss.

We all were chatting and i kept worrying that Paxton was going to wake up and come down here. I didn't bring my phone with me so i couldn't text him to stay up there.

"There was a jeep over by the parking lot, it looks just like the one i've alway wanted."

Just smile, don't act like it's anyone's you know. As he said that, i heard a creek from the stairs and looked up there to see Paxton at the top of the stairs.

I would've went over to get him away, but i know my dad would've noticed so at this point i took defeat.

My dad's head jolted to the stairs as Paxton got to the final steps, and gave me a hug.

My mom and I looked at each and my dad's face went red.

"What the hell is a boy doing in this house."
You know my set up writing these is i grab my fake airpods that are black and turn my slowed down verison if songs on, and turn my light off from my phone, or when i'm at my moms i turn the LED lights off with the remote, and then i write for days.

Anyway if you comment like please keep doing it because i love waking up and seeing everyone's comments.

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now