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"Is that you Mercedes?"

Paxton took himself off of me and i sat up while turning to the door to see Fabiola and Eleanor.

I sat there and Paxton stepped away from me. They both sat there just staring me down and i swallowed.

I started breathing heavily and having short breaths, Paxton looked over at me with a worried face, but he knew if he came over to me that things would go bad.

The room was silence as we at sat there staring at each other, Paxton and I glanced as each other.

I began to shake as i got dizzy. I was mentally freaking out and i was about to cry. I started to shake my leg once again because i do that when i'm scared.

"'t, t-tell De-Devi." I stuttered over my words while biting my lip trying not to cry.

"Mercedes. Tell us everything." Fabiola demanded, but not in a harass tone.

"Close the door." Paxton said, as Fabiola and Eleanor walked in, and sat on the bed. He then walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Shhhh. You'll be okay." He whispered to me as the girl were getting comfortable.

"Well me call Ben. I need to tell him what happened." I pulled my phone out and typed Ben's number.

Mercedes: Ben. P-Please keep distracting her.

Ben: Are you okay?

Mercedes. I'll tell you later.

I sighed as i got off of the phone and walked back over to the bed, Paxton wrapped his arms around my waist, and i would've pushed him off but i kinda needed his touch at this moment.

Eleanor sat there just staring at me. She wasn't as shocked as Fabiola, only because i trusted her and told her about the first time.

"So like how long?" Fabiola asked me, but she wasn't being mean about it.

"Um. We just started on Monday."

"Don't be nervous. Seriously." Fabiola reassured her. "I'm not going to tell Devi."

"Did you guys like each when the thing happened before." Eleanor butted in.

Paxton and Fabiola were confused but i knew exactly what she was talking about.

"To be fair. I never knew. He always chased me. I gave in one night though."

"What about you Paxton?" Fabiola looked at him and he looked confused

"What about me?"

"Have you even liked Devi?" Eleanor asked him.

"Not like that. That's why i've never really cared about having sex, at first i was kinda like whatever, but then i realized that i literally only wanted Mercedes."

"My heart is exploding. I actually love this." Fabiola said while holding her heart. I raised an eyebrow and Paxton looked at me. "I wish more people knew about you guys."

"Really?" Paxton said.


"Yeah, but she's not going to tell Devi." Eleanor said which is what we all already knew.

"Maybe, she'll understand." My eyes widened as she said that.

"No. You know Devi. She's obsessed with him."

"Doesn't she want to give him her virginity?" Eleanor said.

Paxton shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want it."

"Just push her away. She'll eventually get bored, and find someone else." Fabiola tried to make me feel better while giving advice to Paxton.



"Don't be stupid she had a crush on Paxton forever, and he didn't even know that she existed until Mercedes came to the school."

"Shit you're right."

I sat there as a few tears had rolled down my face and Fabiola and Eleanor noticed.

"Mercedes no." Fabiola came over to me and wiped the few tears off. "I'm not going to say anything i promise."

"Me too." I giggled.

"Eleanor i already know you wouldn't."

"Too be fair. She's been so stuck into Paxton that when we're around it really doesn't even matter anymore. We do the same job as a wall, when we're with Devi." Fabiola said while sitting back down by Eleanor.

"Really?" Paxton butt in.

"Mhm." Eleanor responded as rolling her eyes. "Someone could die and the words coming out of he mouth would still be, 'Oh Paxton this, Paxton that."

"Wait maybe you should push her away." Fabiola came in. "Then we could like try to distract her. Show her theres more people than Paxton."

"Give her Aiden." I joked then laughed, and they all looked at me.

"Wait." All three of them said at the same time.

"I was jo-"

"No. Seriously. Aiden is the hottest senior. Not only is he hot like Paxton, but he's a senior." Fabiola explained

"As much as if sounds like a good idea, Devi won't go to someone that Mercedes was with." Eleanor butted in once again.

"Fuck why'd you say that." Paxton said while grabbing my head and pulling me close. "You're going to get her thinking."

Which he was right. I started bawling my eyes out. She would seriously be a loyal friend to me and i'm over here with the man she's wanted for years.

"Little Cherry, no."

"Oh my god is that her nickname?" Fabiola said with excitement. Paxton nodded. "That's adorable."

We all were chatting and they were all trying to make me calm down, until we heard my phone vibrate.

"It's Ben."

Devi is going upstairs.

My eyes widened and i pushed Paxton off of me. "I'm sorry hun." I threw the phone at him so he could look at the text.

"Shit. She's coming?" I nodded.

I tried to wipe the tears off of me so it looked normal.

I looked around the room and saw a stack of card on a desk. I ran over to grab it and handed it to Paxton then.

"Shuffle." He gave me a weird look and just held the cards in his hands. "Now Paxton."

He did what i told him to do, and we heard Devi walk in.

"What are you guys doing?" I heard her voice from behind me, and heard her walk in.

"We got bored so we came up here to play Go Fish." I know. That's a dumbass excuse but it's the only thing i know how to play. "In fact our bored was resolved so we're going to head back to the party."

Paxton put the cards back into the box, and set them back where i found them, as the girls left the room.

I took a few deep breaths as i "waited" for Paxton. Which i just took my time walking to the stairs, so it didn't seem like i was waiting for him.

The girls were at the bottom of the stairs by the time we were getting ready to walk down the stairs.

"Your skirt is a little high." Paxton said to me, and grabbed the bottom of my skirt and pulled it down a little bit.

"Mercedes what the fuck?"

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now