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"Do you need a ride Devi?" I walked up to her locker which wasn't far from mine, as she was messing with the bandaid on her leg.

"Sure. Let me get my stuff."

"Oh i'm not rushing you, just asking." She nodded. She was a little annoyed, not by me but by something. "Are you okay?"

She sighed, and slammed her locker. We began to walk out of the school still being slow with her heels. "Ben and i were arguing and we got sent to the office, and we had to do some stupid shit."

"Is that it." She shook her head and went to the other side of my car.

"No, no one even noticed me today, and i look hot for once like what the fuck." I giggled.

"Looks don't always do anything, you just gotta go for it."

"Yeah, but Paxton didn't even look at me today in history, he was hooked on to you."

"Paxton?" She nodded. "He didn't even tell me his name. People are usually trying to get with the new girls anyway. It'll pass by once he knows he i'm not interested."

"Do you even think he's hot?"

"Paxton is definitely hot."

"Did someone say I was hot?" I turned around and saw Paxton standing next to his car on Devi's side.

"No. Devi called you hot though."

"You did now?" He looked at her and Devi looked at me terrified, and i laughed.

"Yeah. I wanted to ask you something."

When she said that i decided to get into my car. To give them privacy, and let them talk. Who knows what Devi was saying, but i'm going to let her do this on her own.

A little bit after Devi got into my car and Paxton got into his.

"What'd he say."

"Well, he said he'd have sex with me"

My head jolted to her. "Is he seriously a sex guy?"

"Well here's the thing. I asked if he'd have sex with me, just to prove a point?"

"Girl. You can't just give yourself away like that."

"I know i know, i panicked, but i mean i'll have sex with him?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess. When are you meeting him?"


"It's Saturday though."

"Yeah.... I was wondering if you can give me a ride to his house tomorrow."

"Yeah that's fine. Do you have a time?" I asked while pulling into our neighborhood.

"No. I got his number so we can figure it out." I nodded.

I pulled in front of Devi's house and unlocked the car. "Thank you for the ride."

"You're welcome."


"Hi mom." I walked into the house and she was sitting on the couch watching her show.

"You're watching Damon Salvatore for the 50th time."

"Don't judge me."

"Okay. I won't."

"How was school?"

"School. A kid tried giving me his number."

My mom shot up and walked over to the kitchen, and looked at me in the eye. "Was he cute."

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now