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Mercedes POV

Paxton and I arrived at my house. I went inside to go talk to my mom and he followed me.

"Mom." She was in the kitchen cleaning and making everything look good. "So Paxton said he wants me to stay at his house because he thinks Devi is going to kill me."

"Not what I said but okay." He defended himself.

"What why?" My mom stopped what she was doing and saw the look on my face. I was upset and pissed.

"Safe to say. Mercedes and I almost fought Devi, and Devi almost fought Mercedes. She found us." Paxton explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry sweetie." My mom came home to me and gave me a huge hug. "Yes. You should probably stay at Paxton's for the rest of the week, it might be better."

"Mhm." Paxton said and i glared at him.

"I'll go get my shit." I groaned and went upstairs to pack a bag.

After I finished packing my bag, i went downstairs to see Paxton and I mom talking. He was explaining all of the details of what went down.

"Are you ready?" He looked at me coming down the stairs and stopped the conversation with my mom.

"Yeah." I walked up to my mom and gave her a hug once again, and Paxton took my bag from me. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yes. I might even get a dog to give me company." I looked at her with my mouth hanging open.

"PAXTON DO I HAVE TO GO! SHES GONNA GET DOG." I said with puppy eyes and he grabbed my hands and pulled me.

"Yes cmon."

"But mo-"

"Nope, go."

Paxton pushed me outside and i sat there with my arms cross staring him down. I stomped my way to my car, and slammed the door.

"You really be mad about a dog."

"I am."

"I have a dog."

"No you don't i've been over."

"It's always been in a cage. His name is Romeo, and he's a Australian Shepard. My parents will let me let him out if they know you're not just us visiting."


We arrived at his house. He does in fact have a dog, and I'm kind of in love. We were sitting in his room and Romeo was in there with us. He was laying on the ground and i was with him.

"You're such a good boy." His tail started wagging and i started laughing. "Yes, such a good boy."

"Oh my god. I cant believe you just left me for my dog." Paxton said acting like he was throwing a fit.

"Did not! Right Romeo?" The dog starred at me and stuck his tongue out. "Romeo agreed with me."

Paxton rolled his eyes and whistled for Romeo. "Come here Romeo." But he sat there just looking at him.

"He likes me better. Right Romeo?" I laid down all the way and Romeo laid on top of me giving me kisses.

"Romeo, get off of my girl." Paxton said while walking over to me and laying on the ground.

I wrapped my arms around Romeo and hugged him and started to pet him. "You're just so fluffy." I said and rubbed his ears. "I'm sorry but Romeo is my dog."

"Romeo, those hickies on her neck are from me because she's mine not yours." He told the dog.

"Paxton! Romeo doesn't need to know that! Don't worry Romeo, you're the best doggy in the world, Paxton is just being selfish."

"I'm taking defeat" Romeo got off of me and went for the couch, and i pulled Paxton on top me.

"It's okay hunny. Romeo has my heart but you still have me." He rolled his eyes then got up and pulled me up. "If Romeo could talk he'd tell me that i'm his favorite person."

Paxton walked over to his phone and started reading stuff on it. "I have swim practice in the morning tomorrow."

I laughed and he looked at me weirdly. "That's gonna be funny for you."


"Your hickies."

"Well shit." I started laughing and sat with Romeo in the couch. I was petting Paxton and he was looking down his shirt. "Looks like my coach might kill me."

"When's your next meet?"

"The end of the week."

"You'll be fine. They're not terrible."

"Mercedes if they're still here by the end of the week you're grounded." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Grounded from what?"

"My dick."

"Oh, that's fine. Romeo will keep me company." Romeo put his front legs on my lap to get closer to me.

"You're suppose to be mad. Don't make me ground you from the dog." I dropped my mouth, and gave him a mad look.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes i would." I stood up and walked over to where he was standing.

"If you ground me from Romeo i'm ground you from touching me anywhere."

"You wouldnt."

"Mhm. No kisses."


"No hugs."


"No ass smacking."


"And most importantly."

"Don't say it."

"No sex."

"Fine. I won't ground you from him."

"Thank you." I kissed Paxton and ran over to Romeo who was staring at me. "COME HERE YOU GOOD BOY." Paxton rolled his eyes and laid on his bed. "Look at him being so lonely over there. You and I could never relate."

"That's it. I'm kicking him out."

"Paxton no!" I threw my arms down and ran to the door, and blocked it.

"Nope. He's going."

"PAXTON." I did a pouty lip and looked at him in the eye. He grabbed my waist and threw my over his shoulder. "I never said you could." He threw me down on his bed and left me there and ran to the door. "PAXTONNNNNN." I screamed at him. "DONT MAKE ME FUCKING GROUND YOU."

"Holy shit. You don't even scream like that during sex."

"You gotta do better to make me scream like that."

"You did not."

"Oh yes i did."

"You're just asking to get fucked to the moon and back."

"Nah. Your dick isn't big enough."

"YOU DID NOT! Don't talk about him like that."

"He deserves. He makes me go crazy for no reason, and it just ain't right Paxton."

"Tell him sorry."

"Why would i tell him sorry. He's a dick."

"I can't stand you." He walked over to the couch with Romeo, and sat down with him.

"Awwww. Does Paxton need me to give his little friend a kiss."

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now