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Mercedes's POV

"Yes Cherry you did." Paxton had leaned down and kissed me even though i had dry blood on my lips. "You look kinda hot all beaten up."

"Don't make me laugh, my face hurts." I said and chuckled within me.

"Come on." He helped me stand up and i felt a pain in my knee, so i whimpered. "Here."

Paxton picked me up and carried me to his jeep. My knee hurt but it didn't hurt that bad. It was good enough to be walked on.

"I'm taking you to my house and i'll clean you up there."

"Paxton it's fine. I can just shower and everything will be okay. I'll be a whole new person."

"No. The cuts will get infected."


"No stop. I'm going to clean up your wounds." I rolled my eyes at him and he hurried to get to his house.

"Well, you didn't have to speed." I sassed to him and he laughed.

"We're here anyway, can't stop me now."

We got out of the car and i was limping a little bit to the front door of Paxton's house, but he was behind me just in case i were to fall.

He went in front of me real quick and went to the bathroom to turn the light on, as if i couldn't use my fingers. As i went in there he grabbed my waist and sat me on the vanity.

Paxton leaned me forward and grabbed the peroxide from the cabinet. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed the paper towel from there.

He took a piece and folded a couple of times so it was smaller and placed it on the cut on my cheek. I whimpered and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

He crouched and got face first with my knee, and looked at me in the eye after he soaked another piece of paper towel with peroxide.

"This one is going to sting." He said softly while slowly putting the paper towel on my knee. I let out a groan and Paxton chuckled. "That's not the first time i've heard you do that."

"You're right by my foot Paxton, don't make me kick you."

"Alright fine fine." He finished cleaning the wounds, and stood back up and faced me. "Your face is still beautiful even when it has wounds on it."

"We can have fun while it's like this, since you think it's hot."

"What do you mean by fun?" He put his fingers up and did the quotation when he said fun. I hopped off of the vanity and he held my waist because he thought i was going to fall down. "Be careful, your knee."

"Oh my gosh, it's not broken Paxton. Now come on." I went out of the bathroom and grabbed his hand, and he followed me.

"Hungry aren't you?" He sassed as i opened the door to his room and he closed it as he walked in.

"Oh just shut up and kiss me."

"Mercedes, i don't want to hurt you."

"My knee isn't broken for fuck sake. Plus you don't do that much damage in bed."

"Oh now it's on."

Fabiola's POV

"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?" Devi asked as everyone was still in the circle looking at Devi sitting on the ground.

Ben went over and picked Devi up and I followed along as Eleanor stood back. Devi wasn't beaten up very much. Well she was but she didn't suffer as much as Mercedes.

Devi had a little cut on her face and that was pretty much it. Mercedes was hurt more because she was doing most of the fighting, and didn't care if she got hurt she just wanted Devi to get hurt.

Ben had helped her over to the tables, and she sat down and kept on huffing. "I wouldn't have said shit if she was going to fight me."

"It's Mercedes."

"I obviously didn't know her that well then."

"You would've if you didn't claim a guy who wasn't yours." I spoke and Devi rolled her eyes.

"Well she didn't have to go for the guy i liked."

"Okay. Both of you, stop." Ben hopped in. "What Mercedes did wasn't the best thing, but Paxton was the one putting himself into her and eventually she was gonna given, now for you Devi. You can not claim a guy that was yours, that's wrong. It's probably best for you two to stay out of each other's lives."

"But Ben, that's hard for her to do considering they hang around the same people." Eleanor said.

"She's right, you and Mercedes's are going to have to put aside this whole thing and at least make peace with each other, and that means not to make up stupid rumors on Paxton." I sassed.

"Okay, okay." Devi sighed as Ben was helping clean her up. "I won't. I'm tired of all of the drama."

"But are you really?" Eleanor said while handing her a paper towel.

"I think so. I just hurt every time i see her with Paxton. They're just so happy."

"You should be happy for them." I butted in.

"Deeply i am. I just loved seeing them suffer from me, now after all of that. I'm just, i don't even know anymore. Accepting it? I miss us hanging out. I have no one to tell anything to anymore."

"You kinda of ruined that yourself Devi." Ben reminded her.

"Ben, i fucking know."

"I'm the one cleaning your face right now, you better be nice." She rolled her eyes at him and he continued.

Eleanor and I looked at each other. We couldn't tell how serious Devi was about what she said, but she seemed pretty convincing to us.

"Maybe. We are could hang out at Trent's party after homecoming, or even at homecoming." I suggested.

"They're not going to want to go with me. They're probably going to go together and at the party they're probably going to grind them whole time, and hang all over each other."

"How much do you want to be friends with her again?"

"A lot. I've always wanted to be friends again, it was just hard."

I sighed and looked at Eleanor and Ben. "You don't have to do it Fab." Eleanor whispered to me.

"I'll convince Paxton and Mercedes to go to homecoming with us."

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