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"Oh. He was the guy?" I nodded. "Well at least i have you now."

"Well i don't think he's going to try anything. He's like one of the nicest people i know, and would never try to get involved into a relationship if he knew the girl was taken."

Paxton started to speed a little and get home. Plus we were gone for quite a bit considering we were only getting s'mores stuff.


"We're back." I yelled in the backyard and all of the girls were in the same spot as they were before. As i sat the stuff down Paxton had grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "What's wrong with you."

I turned around and looked at him, as i whispered. He just grinned and looked at me. "You're just so pretty. I just can't believe you're mine."

"Paxton?" He always compliments me, but something was different about this time. He was like trying to be protective in a way.

"Can i not compliment you?" I looked at the girls who were just talking. They weren't really acknowledging us for a bit.

"Girls." They all jolted there heads towards me. "You guys can have at it with the s'mores stuff. Paxton and I are going to step inside for a moment."

They all had nodded and i walked inside while grabbing Paxton's hand behind me. Once we stepped inside he pulled me real close to him, and put his face on mine.

"I want you."

"Paxton. The girls are here. Not right now." He sighed and looked at me. "What's up."

"What do you mean what's up?"

"You're being weird after i told you all of that."

"I just want you."



"Are you acting out because i saw my ex at the store. I told you he won't get involved in our relationship Paxton. He super nice he would ne-"

"But you might go back to him. If he is so nice." He said while holding out the 'so.'

"Seriously?" I gave him a cold look. "You seriously think i'd leave you?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"You guys seems to get along very well."

"Paxton. I haven't seen him in a while. He was my best friend once before. It never really left us. It's not like i'm going to hang out with him without your consent. Don't be ridiculous."

"Nice guys are always the one who are secretive. They will act like they won't do anything but they'll do the worse."


"No. They always do. I don't care. Friend or not. The guy friend always comes around. If something happens to us. He's going to be the first one there."

"He'll be the first one there because he'd be the one i message. I wouldn't be able to message Fabiola and Eleanor, or Devi. I'd message him. Not Aiden. Id have to. I'd have to message my best friend first. If anything were to happen, which i don't think anything would."

I sighed and looked at him with an annoyed look before stepping outside and going to my chair. He followed me and moved the chair closer to me a little bit.

"I'm going to go home for tonight. Whenever this fire is over. We need alone time for a day."

"Mmm. Okay. If you really want to you can go now. If you don't feel like leaving later."

"I'll stay for like 10 minutes."

We all sat there Devi decided to leave after having two s'mores and the girls were getting ready to leave after her.

"Do you guys need a ride?" I offered Fabiola and Eleanor, but they shook their heads.

Once they left Paxton and I were left and we just sat there. I wasn't much mad at him, more annoyed because he didn't trust me. I was never going to invite Beto over without Paxton's consent.

If i were to ever nothing would happen. It would be a friendly meeting and nothing else. Paxton was just being a little dramatic over everything.

"I should go." Paxton said, and stood up, and i stood up with him.

He grabbed the s'mores stuff and gathered it all together to bring inside. As we walked inside he sat the bag on the counter and went to the door to put his shoes on.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I went up by him and stood next to him.

He grabbed my face and leaned in to kiss me and i kissed back. It lasted for a good two minutes before he pulled away and went to walk outside.

"Bye. I love you." I said to him and he grinned at me but didn't look at me.

"I love you too."

Paxton's POV

Did i feel bad? Yeah. Was i being dramatic? Maybe a little bit.

I left her house and went to get into my car and i noticed Devi sitting in the curve across the street.

"Paxton!" I heard her call for my name and she walked over to me. "Why are you going home?"

"Mercedes and I just need a day to ourselves."

"Did something happened?"

"Not really."

"Do you want to talk about it? I can come with you."

I sighed. "Get in."

She got into my car and i refused to go to my house with her so i went to the park and we sat at one of the picnic tables.

"Ight spill." So i told her everything from seeing her ex at the store and to the argument we had.

I didn't exactly know why i was tell her all of this stuff. She wasn't the person to trust with everything, so i was confused on everything i was doing.

"Do you need distraction?" I raised an eyebrow at her, as she got up and sat on my side of the picnic table.

"Devi." I scoot over so she wasn't so close to me, but she scooted closer to me again.

"Cmon. It'll distract you from everything." He looked at me and ran her hand up my chest.

"Devi stop it." I scooted away and she didn't get closer. "I have a girlfriend Devi."

"She doesn't have to know."

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now