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Mercedes's POV

"Oh." I responded. He took his hand off of my thigh and put it back in the steering wheel.

"Really? Oh?" He said softly but i know he wanted to raise his voice.

"I'm fucking with you. Of course i'm falling in love with you too. If i wasn't then i wouldn't be so worded on Devi. Silly boy."

He put his hand back and sighed in relief. "You scared me."

"I know. Thats the whole point."


We arrived at the amusement park, and found Ben's car so we parked next to them and got out, to meet them by the entrance.

"Hi guys." Ben greeted us at we walked in. "So, Paxton and I were thinking. We all have different kind of rides we all like. So we had decided to split us up in pairs. It would be easier and we can meet back by the fountain in the middle of the place, to eat. Paxton will choose the groups."

Everyone had nodded at him, and looked at Paxton. We all kind of knew what the groups were going to be, except for Devi.

"Alright. Mercedes stand by everyone." I nodded and stood by them so it looked like we were in a line. I sat there acting like he was thinking, "Fabiola and Eleanor. Ben you can go wit-"

"He's going with Mercedes right? They've been friends for the longest." Devi cut him off and crossed her arms.

"No actual-"

"Oh so he's going to be with you. Maybe Mercedes and I could join along." We all sat there, and Eleanor and Fabiola looked shocked, as Ben looked like he was pissed.

I looked at Paxton and gave him a pissed off look, because i knew this was exactly what was going to happen.

"No. Pairs are better Devi. If there's four of us someone will be left out." He looked at her and he put his sunglasses on.

"Okay, so Ben and Mercedes, and you and I." I glared over at Paxton who had a pleading face on.

"Devi. No. I'm personally more comfortable with Mercedes. So i was going to put myself with her."

"You're putting new with Ben?" Paxton nodded at Devi who looked like she was going to throw a fit. "Mercedes and Ben has known each other a lot longer, so i don't see why you're picking these group."

"Yeah, but Mercedes and I are the same age, we get along better than you and I do." Paxton back talked to her.

"Fine whatever." She rolled her eyes and walked off with Ben, and Fabiola and Eleanor smiled at us and walked away.

Paxton walked up to me and hugged me. "Don't be mad."

"Nope just irritated."

"Well we're together now." He leaned down and kissed me.

I grabbed his hand and took him to some roller coasters. I loved them, but i wasn't for sure if he did so much.

After the first roller coaster Paxton has screamed his heart out and i was laughing my ass off at him. He leaned his head on my shoulder and i was holding it.

"Do you need medicine?" I offered him.

"No. I'm a big boy."

We continued walking and holding hands while looking out for Devi. We almost ran into her a few times but Ben did a good job of making her go the other way.

"Let's go to the haunted roller coaster." Paxton suggested. I acted like i was scared but i wasn't.

The ride had guns in the carts and you had to shoot the monsters as you passed them.

"Pew pew." I said while pointing the gun at Paxton, as we waited for the monsters to show up.

"I know you didn't just pew pew me."

"I did."

"You need punished."

My mind went WBDISNWOSNWONSOESNWO. I didn't know how to handle those lines, so i just sat there with my mouth hanging open, and turned away from him.

He stuck his hand in my jean shorts in the back and squeezed. "PAXTON! NO! I want to kill the monsters."

It was dark in the cave that the coaster took us in, and i could only see the glow of the monsters. I was shooting them making the "pew" sound every time i did.

"You can take your hand out of my ass. The ride is going to end in like 3 minutes you know." He did but then he decided to reach his hand over to the button of my shorts. "You know what no."

I forced his hand out of my shorts and button my shorts back up. If he wanted to play this game then i'll join him.

I grabbed the hem of his shorts and forced my hand into his underwear very quickly. I was trying to get to his lil friend down there and mess with him before the ride were to end and leave him.

And i did exactly. Once i saw the light at the end of the cave i put my hand out and he gasped.



The cart stopped and we unbuckled ourselves and got out. I started heading to the arcade games, and took off running because i know Paxton is into a mood right now, and messing with him just makes this even better.

Once he caught up to me i decided to play a game. I wanted one of the big stuffed animals there, so i was going to try to climb the ladder thingy.

"Hold this." I handed my phone and wallet to Paxton so i could get ready for the ladder.

I tried going it. Of course the first couple steps were the easiest, but towards the middle was where it was getting harder and harder so i was slowing down and shaking along with it.

I was one step away from the bells and i flipped and fell of the the ladder. I got off and went up to Paxton who then handed the guy some money to try for himself.

Paxton being the god he is did it and chose a yellow bird that was hanging and walked over to me holding it.

"Of course you did it." I said while rolling my eyes.

"I would give it to you but what you did in the cart is making me not want to." I dropped my jaw and used my pouty lip after. "Fine."

He handed it to me and i jumped in joy. "Glad you're happy. You could've let me do what i wanted to go in the cart you know." He said while pulling me to the other side of the building where people weren't at.

The stuffed animal he got me was standing in the middle of us and he took it from me and dropped it on the ground.

"Hey! Don't be mean to him." Paxton pushes me gently against the wall and started to kiss me.

He had his hands on my waist and mine were wrapped around his neck. I hoped he didn't think we were bout to do anything because i wasn't tryna do that here.

This continued for a good 3 minutes. He kept pulling me closer and closer to him so my waist was close. I pulled away and looked at his face, and squeezed his cheeks.

"Arent you just the cutest." He rolled his eyes and leaned back in.

The dodged it a few times before he grabbed my necked and forced me to give him a quick kiss, and I laughed at him as he then moved his hands to my ass.


Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now