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"Ryan tell everyone to stay outside please." Beto has whispered to Ryan after he had set me inside and handed me a water. "Mercedes. We can leave."

I hadn't answered him, and i decided not to. Every time i saw Paxton my body would freeze and a bunch of emotions would just come over me and i had no control over it.

I sighed. "Beto. Let's just stay. Or you can. I hate to take away your fun time."

"I'm not leaving you. You're my other half right now."

"Just. Let me stay in here for a little bit, cool down? I'll be back out there in like 5 minutes okay?" He sighed and kissed me on my forehead.

"Yeah, that's fine babe." He had grabbed my hand and squeezed it followed by a kiss. "It'll be okay."

He then let go of my hand and went back outside. After he left my body just collapsed into the couch and i stared at the ceiling.

Everyone probably thinks i'm being really dramatic right now, which by the sound of it, it does, but i really just can't see him without freaking out and having the memories fill my mind over and over again. It stressed me out.

Mercedes just go out there and act like nothing is wrong

You'll be fine

It's okay

Show him you're better without him not worse

So i did exactly that.

Beto's POV

"How is she doing?" Ryan had asked me as i walked out of the house

"She just needs to learn to not let him bother her."

"He did break her pretty hard though."

"No, i know but i feel like if i ever hang out with her and he's around, the time is ruined. I cant really handle it anymore, but i don't wanna loose her yet."


"Let's be honest Ryan. Her and i aren't going to ever stay together forever. Her and Paxton will eventually find closure, and end up back together. Maybe they'll be best friends and she'll still be with me during it, but you know what i'm just going to have to live it, and if i notice stuff is happening i'll just tell her, that he's making her happy and let her go. I'm going to be hurt Ryan, but i'm just mentally ready."

Angry, and upset is secretly what i'm feeling and that was the first time i had ever let something like that out to anyone.

"Beto, you should maybe fight for her."

"I can't."

"Beto." I turned around and saw Mercedes at the door walking towards me. I had put my arm around her waist and pulled her next to me.

"Feeling better?" She nodded her head and leaned it on my arm. "Good."

Ryan began to play stupid dancing music and then the drinks came out, i was in fact participating but not as much as Mercedes. She was almost black out drunk.

She was sitting at a picnic table that Ryan had set up and i was standing next to the table.

"Hey Be-e-to." Ryan stuttered and came you to me. "D-o, yo-u wanna set up be-e-er pong?" I chuckled and nodded and went to go to the garage where i knew the table was, and Ryan went inside with another girl to set up the cups.

I walked out with the table and Mercedes's eyes lit up, and she ran up to me. "Beer pong? I'm going to demolish everyone i play against."

"Babe, you're already really drunk, maybe you should sit out for this."


I laid the table down and she tried to help me and Ryan and his girl came back out to put the cups down.

"This table is boring as fuck." Mercedes commented and got close to the table to look at it. "Imma paint it."

"You do that Mercedes." Ryan said encouraging her.  "You'll give up on it."

"Nuh uh. You don't know dat at all."

"Shut your pretty mouth up and pour the damn beer into the cups." Ryan sassed her and her mouth dropped.

"Beto he called me pretty!" She said while throwing her arms down, and walked over to me while she angrily grabbed a beer can and poured it into a cup.

"Babe. You are."

"Awwww, do you really mean that?" She squinted at me and laughed. "You look just like my boyfriend you know. He's here somewhere." She stood inside her tip toes and glanced around.

"Mercedes?" I questioned her and she looked at me and continued to look "Hun. Turn your phone flash light on real quick."

She stood her phone out of her pocket and stared at me and looked at me confused. "How do i turn it on?" She started to press the buttons and finally found it, then shined it to me. "OHHH THERE YOU ARE."

I laughed at her and Ryan had found a light to put over by us so we can see the game. "Whose going first. Me or Pretty girl."

"Who's pretty girl?" Mercedes questioned.


"Oh. Then me. Imma school you." She leaned over the table and grabbed the balls. I looked over and saw a crowd of boys watching her, as she bent over the table.

Her shorts had gone up when she bend down almost exposing everyone, and her legs flexed as she did so.

When she stood up the boys took her eyes off of her, and continued onto their conversation. She became to aim and threw her first ball missing.

"DAMN IT." She threw the other ball to Ryan and she caught it, as we waited for his to shoot and he missed as well. "I'm going to beat you Ryan."

"I'll let you bend over the table a little bit." Ryan suggested to her, and she didn't listen at first, and tried to throw them from where she was so it didn't look like she needed that.

Ryan shot one and it landed into one of the cups and she gasped and grabbed the drink chugging it down, and tossed the cup.

"Cmon pretty girl. Make one, don't be shy." She glared at home and i was holding her waist so she didn't get too feisty. She must of forgot that i was though, because she bend over the table and tried to aim for the cups.

I glanced over and the same group of boys was watching, and the one person just kept catching my attention. They wouldn't stop watching her, even after she stand up he wouldn't.

I brushed it off though, and Mercedes had made a few more in, just from leaning forward the table. Ryan had been getting angry and was trying even harder but was failing to even get them in.

When they were at the last cup Ryan shot his and missed and she leaned forward, and kept backing up into me for whatever reason, but i really wasn't complaining.

To the side of me the boys were still there and some of them chose to give up on watching her and just continued with the conversations they were having, but yet Paxton Hall never took his eyes off of her.

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now