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"Paxton can you open the door?" We heard Trent knock on the door.

I quickly hopped off of Paxton while accidentally hitting in where it hurts extra. I laughed and he was holding his balls, while walking over to the door.

"What happen to you man?" Trent asked while walking in, and making himself at home.

"She hit me in the balls." Paxton pointed at me while still groaning.

"Nice shot." Trent said while giving me a high five. I giggled and laid over on Paxton's bed and going on my phone.

"In all seriousness are what are we going to do for our project?" Paxton asked while sitting where him and i were at.

"What's the prompt." I asked Trent who pulled the assignment up on his computer.

"It said pick a book about eh holocaust and make a presentation on it. The due date is pushed back and it's due next week, because of the story." Trent explained.

"I know a perfect one. We won't have to read it because i read it in middle school at my old school. You guys will have to choose which one you guys like best." They both nodded and i searched them on my phone.

"Night, or Prisoner B-3087."

"The second one." Trent and Paxton said at the same time.

"Good. We have the book, i think we're done for today." I said while laying back on Paxton's bed and going into my phone, while the boys sat on their phones on the couch.

"Paxton. Look at this girl jump roping." Him and Paxton leaned together to look at the video.

I came running over to them, and started to watch the video. The girl really didn't have much boobs, but she had enough to have a bounce to them.

"I think you have bigger boobs than her Mercedes." Trent jokes around while looking at my boobs

I smacked him in the head, and went back to the bed. "My boobs aren't that big."

"They're big enough. They look like they're a solid double d." My eyes almost left my socket as he got them right in the first try.

"Leave me and my boobs alone."

"I'm sorry. They're just so nice and round."

"Trent stop it." Paxton smacked him in the arm, and Trent laughed and continued looking at his phone.

Paxton got up and walked over to the bed where i was at. I was laying on my stomach scrolling through my feed on my instagram.

He smacked my ass which made a big boom fill the room. I heard Trent make a stupid laugh, and i looked over my shoulder and glared after him.

"Dont touch my ass."

Paxton laughed as he knew i didn't care that he was a good 20 minutes ago.

*incoming call from Devi*

Devi: Hey Sadie.

Paxton heard Devi on the phone and sat down next to me on his bed.

Mercedes: Hey Devi.

Devi: I'm sorry i always rely on you to drive me everywhere, but can yo-

Mercedes: That should be fine Devi. You know i don't mind.

Devi: I know, but you don't always have to drive me if you don't want to.

Mercedes: It's fine. Do you have a time?

Devi: I have to be home by 8.

Mercedes: That should be fine. How the project going.

Devi: We're getting somewhere. Ben and I are arguing though.

"DEVI CAN YOU GET IN HERE AND HELP FOR GOD SAKES" I heard Ben yell in the far distance.

"IM ON THE PHONE WITH MERCEDES." Devi yelled back at him.


Devi: Ben said hi.

Mercedes: I heard. I'll come by and pick you up around 7:45.

Devi: Sounds good

"Do you have to big Devi up?" Paxton asked me and i nodded. "Don't you ever get tired of it?"

"No Paxton not at all. I know she doesn't have a care and if saved her mom some time and trouble. I love driving so it's fine."

"Oh. I was meaning to ask you something." I locked my phone and set it down and looked at him. "So like, will i get a chance after... that."

I sighed. As much as i would've loved to continue meeting up with Paxton and even having something with him i would never really admit it to him or anyone. Maybe Eleanor, she seems pretty truth worthy.

"Paxton. I don't mind talking to you, i just can't have anything with you. Devi always comes here to hang out and she thinks you like her, and it would just be bad if we started having something."

"I don't like Devi like that." I rolled my eyes. Of course he doesn't. He just doesn't want to be mean and get Devi's hopes up.

"I'm sorry Paxton, you'd have to tell her that. I cant."

"I can't. I don't wanna be mean. I'm just trying to have you." He wasn't sad, and he doesn't mad, he was just trying to have a conversation.

"You don't want me. You have to want Devi. Not me."

"Mercedes." I looked at him and he looked at me. Nothing passionate was going to happen but we looked at each other. "Do i have to keep pulling on your back pockets just to get you to look at me."

"I guess so Paxton." I got up and fixed my skirt and centered my shirt. "Except for the days that i don't have back pockets. Then you're screwed"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Do you have to go." I nodded.

"By the time i get to Ben's it'll be 7:45." Paxton nodded. "Bye Paxton. Bye Trent. I'll see you guys in history." I said then i left and went to my car.

Paxton's POV

"Is there something going on with you two?" Trent asked me when Mercedes left.



"Because she's good friends with Devi." I sighed and Trent walked over to the bed.

"Does Paxton Hall-Yoshida like a girl? Is he ready to commit?" Trent said baby voicing me.

"I can't get ready to commit to her if she doesn't want to have anything with me. She wants to be friends."

"Okay. Make her jealous." Trent suggested.

"Why would i do that?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Like. Still talk to her, don't completely ignore her. Flirt with her here and there, but focus your attention on someone else, and talk to someone else more so maybe it looks like you're done with her. Eventually she'll miss you and come back to you."

"That sounds so stupid." I said, to Trent who kept looking at me until i gave in. "But it sounds like something i can do."

"Great. Mission to make a Mercedes Cordes jealous."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Trust me it will."

Thirst; Paxton HallWhere stories live. Discover now