Quirkless Loser

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Izuku was once an excited and happy kid. He'd run around with stars in his eyes and giving a smile that could kill the sun. He was bright, kind, sweet, caring and practically an angel. It was impossible to hate him. Izuku was loved by his family of Toshinori Yagi, Inko Yagi and his twin sister Izumi Yagi. He was happy, life was great.


That one word. That one measly word, that was represented by an extra toe-joint. Turned his happy life into one of torture. The day he had got home, their parents had celebrated the fact that their daughter had a powerful telekinesis quirk. Stronger than her own mothers. Izuku was saddened that they never even sparred him a glance, but being the naïve and hopeful child he was, he shook it off and headed for bed. Hoping to be comforted and for everything to become normal again.

It wasn't. Izuku didn't understand. His sister and his friends apparently stopped liking him. Seeing that his dream to be a quirkless hero had personally offended them. Izuku didn't get it, but he was to pure. So he hid his scars that his sibling and friends gave them from his parents. He had done this for a month before realising that they didn't care.

Izuku's family had planned to go to a water park. Izuku was so excited to go, but when he realised that they were gone with him still at the door. The harsh reality set in. They forget him. They didn't love him. His own family hated him. All because he was quirkless.

For the next nine years, Izuku was belittled and tormented. Izumi constantly threw him around and hit him with objects, Katsuki got into his face and burned his body with explosions and made him choke on ash. Kotsumi used her missile quirk at a range to knock him around and hit him when he hoped he was safe. Shoto both burned and froze him, giving him major frostbite and Zyato burned him with her steam quirk.

Izuku was often called Deku, basically no one knew his real name. Because Izumi had blonde hair instead of Izuku's forest green, people never knew they were related.

They bullied him for nine years. No, bullied is to tame for what they did. They tortured Izuku for nine years. Name calling and beatings, every, single, day. It was so bad that he has started to get white hair from becoming super stressed and anxious. That only ever happens when people get tortured for an absurd amount of time. The worst part, he believed he deserved it. None of this would have happened if he got a quirk, if he had not been that unlucky 20% (although it's more like 2%). People wouldn't have to deal with a quirkless loser like him. But that doesn't mean he didn't like it, or at least longed for a single person to not look at his quirkless status and immediately think useless or waste of space. Just once.

Izuku was alone for nine years. Nobody noticed when he stopped smiling, nobody noticed that the life left his eyes. No one noticed, because no one cared. Yet miraculously, he still wanted to be just like All-Might. Unless something happened.

Izuku sat in his middle school classroom. Last day of school, he knows he'll get a special beating for it, but Izuku doesn't care. He get's the entire holidays to hide and so he doesn't get killed. Izuku taught himself first-aid, he isn't perfect, but for learning it an seven with no one to help him, he's pretty good.

The teacher stood at the front of the room. The man held a bunch of papers in his hands. He then slowly scanned around the room. His eyes then stopped on Izuku. Izuku gulped as the teacher looked away. Every time the teacher looked at him like that, he had a plan to cause him to get beaten. Today would be no different.

"Alright, I'm supposed to hand-out these career pamphlets but you all want to become heroes anyway!" the teacher shouted happily. The class cheered and roared in excitement, some of them demonstrating their quirk. Izuku sighed and slumped into his seat. Katsuki then decided to jump onto his desk.

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