Burned Ashes

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Ochako watched as her friend was stuck against a tree. A knife pinning her green hair to bark and a second knife pushed against her throat. Ochako watched in terror as she prayed for someone to come and help.

Tsuyu who was usually calm and collected was currently terrified. Her body was freezing as the ice veins from Irowei grew around her body. A knife was being pushed against her throat and her face was unmoving so she can't spit out her tongue to help.

Ochako had never felt more useless before then right at this moment. If she got close to Irowei, she'd get stabbed or frozen. Ochako knew her quirk was strong, well it was mostly thanks to Katsuki drilling it into her but even knowing that, her quirk was still situational.

"What is your choice sweetie? I can move and come after you if you aren't going to run," Irowei laughed with a sly grin. Ochako was scared, she was up against a psychopath that wanted to kill her and her best friend. Not only that she knew she had no chance of winning. Ochako's knees were weak and shaking, her gut was sinking and her heat was pounding against her chest. Everything in Ochako, her mind and body was instructing, no demanding her to run away. But she wasn't going to. Irowei smiled.

"Not running? Well it was your choice rosie," Irowei laughed as they took a step forward to the quivering Ochako. They took a step forward and threw their knife up into the air so they could catch it. But it was pulled away by an invisible force and zipped away. Irowei and Ochako looked at it as it twirled and danced in mid air. It turned and pointed at Irowei before it dashed forward through the air.

"Shit," Irowei cursed as they lunged forward. The dagger nipped Irowei's ear as it zoomed past. Irowei growled as they looked over to Ochako. They stood up and raced over to Ochako and pressed their hand out. Ochako tried stepping away but she wasn't fast enough.

But luckily she didn't need to be. Unknown to both Ochako and Irowei but spores were being created in between. The spores touched Irowei and mushrooms started to grow over him. One mushroom quickly turned into ten then even more within less than a second. Irowei tried touching Ochako but they were blocked by the mushrooms. 

Ochako saw this and smirked, she touched Irowei's shirt and caused him to loose his gravity. Ochako then kicked Irowei in the chest and he flew away before colliding against a wall. Ochako looked over to Tsuyu and spotted two students from class 1-b coming out to help her. It was Kinoko and Reiko. 

Reiko pulled the knife out of the tree that was pinning Tsuyu's hair to the tree. Kinoko kept the almost frozen Tsuyu standing up but it was quickly apparent that she couldn't move a muscle. Ochako looked back to Irowei who retreated back into the forest. Deciding that there was no point in pursuing them, she ran back to her friend and fellow heroes.

"Yanagi, Komori I am so glad that you guys came!" Ochako yelled out to them in relief. Yanagi and Kinoko looked at her and nodded their head.

"Yeah Shihai lead us here saying that you two were in danger, he went off to try and get Eraserhead and Vlad King to help us and the others. We're not the only people in danger," Reiko related to Ochako. Ochako nodded, she then turned to Tsuyu and frowned. She went over to her friend and activated her quirk and lifted her friend up.

"Come on, let's go then," Ochako said and the two class b students nodded their head. Ochako ran ahead with the other two following behind. She believed in her classmates and new Katsuki would be fine but she still can't help but dread what could happen. 

Momo watched the large monster open its mouth. It's mouth was more then big enough to eat her whole. Saliva drops dripped out of its mouth and they were about as big as her head. The talon on the tongue spread out, allowing the claws to spread wide. Momo gulped upon seeing this.

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