What Was That

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Izuku sat by Himiko's hospital bed. Thanks to his newly acquired resilience quirk, Izuku managed to recover quite quickly. After eating a bit of food he was able to use Fat Inflammation and was almost as good as new. However Himiko on the other hand was still severely injured. Recovery Girl had done what she could but Himiko would still be in the hospital for a while.

Izuku wishes he could do more, but he can't leave Resilient in her as it would do more harm then good. As well as her being unconscious, Fat Inflammation will also not help. 

Izuku sighs and runs a hand through his hair. School had been called off for today from yesterday's events. Vultures, or otherwise known as news reporters had already swarmed them, asking students and Eraserhead for their parts of the story.

Some of his students also got hurt but none of them was severe which relieved Izuku greatly once he heard that. The worse one was Hanta from his electrical burns. Izuku was also happy to hear of how well some of his students handled the villains. Particularly, Mezo, Kyoka, Fumikage, Eijiro and Denki. 

Also, the villains knew exactly what Izuku's students quirks were. They were all sent to a zone that would hinder their performance. They must have gotten that information when Kurogiri snuck into UA. Well minus Denki, most people with his quirk would have been effected but he was slightly different.

Speaking of Denki. He did save his life. Izuku wasn't sure how what to think of that, nor know how to repay Denki plus Katsuki for being the only reason he was alive. Those people were wanting to kill them, from orders of All For One. But what scared Izuku the most was the Nomu created to specifically kill him. 

The beast had the ability to morph his arms into tentacles to prevent any chance of being restrained. It had supersonic healing abilities as well as super strength and speed and final possessing the ability to have insane shock absorption. 

The beast was designed to have the ability to be invincible as well as the ability to keep moving. As much as Izuku could tell, the only way to kill it would be to completely destroy the brain or have Izuku take the quirks that keep it alive in the first place. Which Izuku did but only found an terrifying truth.

That Nomu, that creature. Whatever it was before becoming All For One's puppet possessed exactly one hundred quirks. The beast had 41 strength quirks, 20 speed quirks, 32 regenerative quirks, five shock absorption quirks, a tentacle quirk and finally a mind wash quirk. But what was incredible was the fact that all of those multiple quirks that had the same purpose were combined together.

That must be the reason that beast could still operate. Having more then one quirk could break. The nomu was obviously modified to be able to hold more but it still wouldn't have been able to hold all of those quirks unless they were combined. 

Izuku tried combining them  back but he could only have two combined. So now Izuku has 21 strength quirks, 10 speed quirks, 3 shock absorption and 16 regenerative quirks, plus two other quirks. None of these help Izuku as he can't activate them because of his limit. so he doesn't know what to do.

He can't just terminate all of them with Dabi's quirk because some of them are actually strong. But some of them are also useless and Izuku doesn't have the power to train so he can use more quirks.

Perhaps he could give them to some of his students. You know, just to help them out a little bit.

Katsuki watched Ochako fly through a small obstacle course he set up for her to help her with her flying capabilities. With the sports festival so close, she had asked the only person in the class that can fly to help her. Katsuki.

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