Sports Festival

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Izuku was in a special observatory room. Himiko was sitting right next to him, chowing down on their snacks before the festival even began. Izuku had to forcefully stop her from eating everything before it began. 

Izuku and Himiko had to hang out in this room because obviously, the whole vigilante thing. Eraserhead also wanted to hangout in here instead of hanging out in the crowd. But apparently the moron lost a bet with Present Mic and now is assisting with the cockatoo in narrating. Poor man.

But Izuku was excited and angry. Two very different emotions but he was trying to push his emotion of anger down for the sake of his students. This was their big day and Izuku was the person who had taught them. 

He was excited to see how far they would go for the victory and who would get into the tournament round. Although Izuku already had a good guess on who could make it. Izuku could judge by the events.

Which, surprise, surprise aren't as random as UA tries to make them. Don't be mistaken, the events are solely random generated, but they are made a week in advanced so everything is prepared. This year, the first event was an obstacle course. Which Izuku intervened in with what the original plan was supposed to be. 

The race was going to be a flat race with robots, a geyser canyon, sand traps and a minefield. But the problem was that if someone could fly, all of those obstacles could be ignored. Only one student had the capability of doing that for the entire time. 

Katsuki Bakugo

But Izuku wants to make him work for his spot, not just breeze through. He also bet that Katsuki would be thankful for making the race harder on him and not allowing him to have a free victory. Which also makes Izuku proud.

Before, he would have gloated at how easy it was. But now, he wants to earn things and would help the others as well. Something Katsuki would have never done in a million years, even if it was one of his old friends.

The second one was tug-team battle. Teams if three to four are selected by the students and are all connected to each other by a ten foot rope. If it is cut by the student or another student, the team who cut the rope will instantly be disqualified.

The headbands on the students are all of different point value which are determined by the placement they were in from the first event. This is the same everywhere. The first event dictates your points you are worth for the second event. That is, always the case. 

Stolen headbands will count to the end score but if a team ever looses all of their original headbands, they are out. 

For some reason, the first place student has 1 million points which Izuku sees as heavily unfair but Nezu was unwilling to change it. It causes instant targeting and it has made people purposefully place lower to not get first place, or even top ten.

The final event is always the same. 1 on 1 tournament with the top 16 from the last event. They run up from each bracket until there is one winner. Winner.

Izuku runs a nervous hand in his hair, feeling his body start to tense up even more. He feels Himiko hold Izuku's left arm and snuggle up to him before pulling Izuku into a hug. One that Izuku gladly accepts it. The airborne camera on the tv they were watching was panning through the crowd and he heard Himiko growl when a certain group of people came into view.

Izuku felt tears start to attack his eyes and he hugged Himiko tight. The people who he never wanted to see again were all right there. In a line, audience members of UA's Sports festival. His parents, sister, Kotsumi, Shoto, Zyato and their mother Rei were all there. 

Izuku never wanted them here. They shouldn't even be here. But of course, they were allowed a chance. Why shouldn't they have one? Not only have they already had multiple chances before, but they must have another shouldn't they. Izuku hated it, he despised them.  

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