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"So Izumi, what do you say?" dad asked with a smile. Izumi stared at her father in shock. Her dad was All-Might and her mother was Green Tornado. She was so shocked, and so happy! The fact that both of her parents were top ten heroes did surprisingly explain a lot. But that wasn't what her mind should be thinking about. She was being offered her father's quirk!

That quirk is what has made him the symbol of piece and the undisputed number one hero. It is a dangerous secret that would be problematic if the general public found out that his quirk could be passed to others. People from all over the world would try and get their hands on it because of how powerful his quirk was. Which is what makes the holder of One For All so specific. They had to be driven to be a hero and only use the quirk for good purposes. But Izumi knows that she doesn't fit the bill.

She was a bully, and that's putting it lightly. She's been an asshole to several kids in her school but none of them were nearly as bad as Izuku. Herself and her friends had started the whole bullying to get him to stop trying to be a hero. He had the heart and drive, but he didn't have a quirk. It would give him the disadvantage in all fights no matter how smart he was. It was just to risky. But beating him down day after day? Hurting him with their quirks and changed his name that probably everyone outside of our class didn't actually know his real name. He's just called Deku.

Izumi isn't stupid, but what she does know is that she is selfish. She loves the attention that her parents give her, all the love and time they have together. She wouldn't want it any other way. Actually that's a lie, she would like Izuku to be part of it as well.

He knows that her mother and father don't speak with Izuku and that he doesn't come down and eat with them at dinner. Also thinking about it recently, has he ever gone on a family vacation trip with them? Izumi doesn't remember the last time they actually spent time together that wasn't her hitting him. Because perhaps, there wasn't a time where Izuku had been part of the family. Not after his diagnosis as quirkless. Izumi wasn't worthy of One For All, she knew that. It was for people with golden souls who would risk their lives for others no matter who they were. A complete stranger, a general jerk or someone weaker then them. They were the person who was a true hero. Izumi didn't deserve One For All. But Izuku did.

"I'm sorry dad, but I don't think I would be the appropriate holder for One For All," Izumi said lowering her head.

"Why would you not be suited to hold One For All? I wouldn't be able to give you my quirk instantly which is why we would train," Dad said. Izumi shook her head, looking back up at him.

"No, I mean there is somebody much more suited for it than me," Izumi admitted. 

"If not you than who?" dad asked confused. Izumi smiled brightly and clapped her hands together. 

"Izuku!" she yelled happily. "He's always is happy and really optimistic to everyone no matter how mean or dirty there are to him. If someone is getting bullied at our school, he'll get in the way to protect them without actually fighting them as it's wrong. He never has asked for anything in return and if he is ever offered anything, he declines anyway," Izumi explained. Dad seemed to understand and smiled.

"I see, then he would be a good fit to inherit my quirk. We would have to train hard to help fix that skinny body he has. But when he get's home, let's tell him the good news," Dad said. Izumi brightened and looked giddy. Now her brother can become heroes with the rest of her friends together like they had planned when they were younger. It still didn't get rid of the guilt that Izumi feels, and it will definitely take a while until she is forgiven. Izumi knows that, and it's okay. But she'll make it up to her brother, and this is the start!

Izumi went to the lounge room and started watching tv until Izuku got home. An hour passed and Izuku had yet to come home. She was starting to get worried. Why hadn't he come home yet? Despite how little she actually knew about her brother, she did know he didn't have any friends. Which only aided in her feeling worse. Mum walked through the door, she saw Izumi looking worried. Immediately she went over to comfort her daughter.

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