Children In War

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The sky had shifted to night and the stars still twinkled beautifully. But this would not be a silent or relaxing night. A large plane soared through the sky, the occupants inside were no regular civilians. The space the people sat was a cargo bay, long lines of benches allowed them to sit. There was one empty space in the middle, separating one wall of benches with a large door that looked to open.

Pro heroes littered the aircraft, they were talking strategy with each other or doing some stretches to keep their body warm. They were about to drop on a highly concentrated base of high-ranking villains. Majority of the heroes on this plane were under rank 100, so this would be a highly dangerous mission. 

The people in charge of this villain base are suspected to be the Humarise. A global cult that has been gaining mass followers over the rising theory of quirk singularity doomsday. If Nezu's information is correct, which is definitely is, they've recently attained a partnership with Shigaraki and the League of Villains, and their hideout is suspected to be a mansion out in the mountains ajar from Tokyo.

The squad of heroes were about to raid the mansion and restrain the over one hundred suspects inside. They all had several quirk suppressing cuffs, way more than usual as each hero was expected and needed to take on about ten to twenty villains. 

But three heroes seemed out of place. They were significantly younger than the rest and weren't actively exercising. They huddled together on a bench and nervously spoke with each other. The three were UA juniour students and they were about to embark on a very dangerous mission underneath their hero leader. The students were Denki Kaminari, Fumikage Tokoyami and Mezo Shoji. Otherwise known as their hero alias, Chargebolt, Tsukuyomi and Tentacole. 

"Hey, you guys ready?" Hawks asked, dropping down next to the three students. He spread his wings around the three in attempt to shield them from any prying eyes. He could tell the three were nervous, and the sneers from the surrounding heroes certainly didn't help them.

"As ready as we'll get," Denki spoke up, nervously smiling at the current number two hero. Hawks. Hawks bent down, getting on a lower level to the three UA students. He looked around and observed the nearby heroes before giving the three a serious expression.

"I'm sorry that you all had to get involved with this. The commission is making anyone with a provisional license fight in this war. But I know that you are all capable otherwise Hope wouldn't have trusted you with this mission. This is an extremely dangerous villain organisation and I doubt they'll hesitate to kill you. Don't feel ashamed to come to us heroes for help, your lives are on the line," Hawks iterated.

The three nodded and thanked the heroes, but they still felt extremely skeptical. The other heroes were certainly not friendly towards them, and they only felt like the hero they interned under would be willing to lend a hand. 

Only Edgeshot was here with Denki as the other two were needed to defend against something called Gigantomachia. Hope didn't allow Ochako to join this mission as it was dubbed too dangerous for her. The vast majority of heroes on this mission had great brute force capabilities or strong crowd control quirks and there likely was a reason for that. Denki, Fumikage and Mezo had one of those two kinds of ability, but Ochako didn't, why she couldn't be on the mission. 

Tentacole, we're hopping out," Gang Orca stated, stomping over and patting Mezo on his shoulder. The Whale hero walked away and lined up with about thirty heroes against the closed hanger door. Mezo nodded his head and stood up, but he turned and looked to his two classmates. 

"See you both after this fight," Mezo nodded. Denki smiled, his usual confident grin returning, even if it was only for a moment.

"You better, we still got to graduate," Denki smiled, trying to bring his usual bravado. Dark Shadow shot out from under Fumikage's cloak and moved to be eye level against Mezo's monstrous figure. The boy smirked although it was hidden under his mask and Dark Shadow glared at him with his flat yellow eyes.

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