Himiko Toga

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Izuku had no idea what he had gotten himself into. It seemed like bringing Himiko to his home was a good idea at the time. She was no longer hostile with her thirst for hunger removed, but that didn't change the fact that she was. Well, how is a nice way to put this? Not normal.

She has child like curiousity despite Izuku being sure she was older than him. Not much but she definitely wasn't younger. Izuku has a large amount of curiousity himself, but that is also due to the fact his parents never took him anywhere. The same can probably be said for Himiko, but it's different.

She's dainty and care free, fitting the stereotype of dumb blonde. For someone that is a murderer, she certainly doesn't fit the bill Izuku had thought of for those types of people. But he has noticed that when she walks, it's silent. Izuku hasn't even known her for a full day and he constantly finds her missing. Then the next second, she pops out of a pile of garbage. 

"Hey Izuku could you make a tv?" Himiko asked, current sprawled out on the small kitchen counter Izuku has. Izuku stops what he was doing and looks over to her questioningly. 

"How would I do that?" Izuku asks. Himiko giggles at him.

"With your quirk silly. You made us clothes before, surely you can make a tv," Himiko explained. Izuku hadn't thought of that. Even though, theoretically he could, there was this hole problem of knowing how to make it. Not only that, he'd have to learn how to code, which he did not know. But that didn't mean he didn't have an idea.

"Know, I'd have to know how to make a tv. But, that just gave me an idea," Izuku said. Himiko looked thoughtfully at him as Izuku got up and went over to the kitchen. He opened a cabinet and grabbed out a bowl. With his nails, Izuku made a cut in his other hand and spilled some blood. He put his hand over the bowl and let his blood drip into it. But Izuku had his blood, turn into potato chips. Himiko's eyes sparkled as she looked into the bowl.

"Wow! You're an infinite food bank!" she exclaimed. Izuku chuckled at her excitement.

"Not exactly, I still have to harm myself to use this quirk at all and I don't regenerate my blood. But this quirk will be very useful for the future!" Izuku said happily. He raised his hand up and to stop his blood from dripping into the bowl and made the rest of the blood on his hand become a bandage, covering the wound. 

Izuku and Himiko then shared the potato chips. Izuku spent most of the time showing Himiko around the caravan. She asked a surprising amount of question and Izuku was kind of concerned with how little she knew. But eventually the had to go to bed. There was only two beds, one was on the floor while the other was connected to the wall. Izuku being the nice boy he was volunteered for the floor which Himiko was fine with. He gave her a blanket and his pillow as he didn't have a spare, but he did have his sleeping bag so Izuku was still happy.

"So Izuku, about me teaching you how to fight. I really don't know how to, I'm more good at avoiding and such. Using my small stature to get around fast and stuff. I've only really been effective at what I do because of my knife," Himiko said. Izuku turned over to her and looked at her. She looked sheepish and sad which Izuku found strange.

"That's fine? When we, um fought, I presumed your quirk made you faster if you consumed blood. I was convinced you had a speed quirk. So um, could you maybe teach me evasion tactics?" Izuku asked. At those words, Izuku watched as Himiko brightened up to match the sun causing Izuku to blush. What did he say to make her do that?

" Of course, I can definitely do that," she said happily. "Night Izu-kun," she said instantly. Izuku stared at her, stunned. She changed in an instant. Izuku then heard light snoring before realising she was already asleep! How the hell did she do that! 

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