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The meeting room was in a mess. The heroes and hero commission members were in shambles as they yelled at each other about the conundrum that happened. The training camp from UA failed completely as the villains managed to locate the area and teleport villains to attack the area.

Six heroes were there to protect the kids and three of them are getting medical attention. Fourteen UA students also required medical attention. It seems low against the forty-one that were there but half of them are gone. Twenty-one hero in training students were kidnapped.

This has created a large uproar from parents and others alike from UA. How they are attracting danger and putting teenagers at risk. This is the second immense villain attack within a semester the first years have had to experience. The first time could have had fatalities and this time has caused them to be entirely kidnapped. 

The faith in UA and heroes as a whole is dropping tremendously and the heroes don't know how to stop. Nezu walks up, he climbs on his stool so he is of equal height of the people who are sitting. Eraserhead hands him a megaphone and Nezu raises it to his mouth.

"Everyone quiet down now!" Nezu shouts. The room quickly silent and everyone turns to Nezu. "Take a seat, we need to discuss out next plan of action," Nezu says calmly. But apparently one man from the hero commission didn't like Nezu's attempt to rally the chaos of the room. He stood up and shouted at the chimera principle.

"Next plan? We did that to take down Shigaraki and look what happened? We were tricked and now you lost half of the first years in your school Mr. Nezu." Eraserhead eyes flared up, a red glow seeping out dangerously. His hair floated and his scarf soon followed. The man who shouted paled at the sight.

"If you had any patience to listen then you'd know what happened at the place where you guys thought Shigaraki was. So you should know what he says next for the plan. If you don't then you need to sit down and listen," Eraserhead told threateningly. The man looked down and away from Eraserhead's horrific glare and sat down in his chair. Eraserhead then turned to Nezu who looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you Eraserhead, now let's get to the situation. Our forces were tricked into going away from the training camp so Shigaraki and his forces could reek havoc against our students with no worries of any interruption. But they had to pick a place they had previously prepared. With the items and other materials they left behind, we now know two locations. One most likely acting as their base while the second houses the nomu's they have been creating," the people listening eyes widened at what Nezu told them.

Izuku sat in the room with Himiko beside him. The two were currently Hope and Carmilla and they were listening to Nezu from the other end. When Izuku and the other heroes got the word that the training camp were under attack, Izuku immediately used bolt to get there as fast as possible. But he was not fast enough. 

Himiko had no way to get their quick so she decided to look around. Her and a few other heroes like Best Jeanist, Miss Joke and Ectoplasm stayed to try and find clues. The group of heroes actually found a bunch of information which was luckily as it was mostly left their by accident.

An underground hero recognised some of Giran's handy work. Giran was an underground broker who sold information and contacted people of high power to perform jobs for other people. He wasn't powerful in the strength department but he had the knowledge and connections to gain respect by tons of heroes. He even avoids being arrested by providing information to the police and underground heroes.

Izuku currently was furious. Furious at Shigaraki and All For One for harming his students, furious at himself for not noticing the plot and trickery he was being lead into by Shigaraki and he is furious at not being strong enough to win against Shigaraki and too slow to not arrive at the training camp fast enough.

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