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Izuku sat in Nezu's office, Shota sitting right next to him. Nezu happily hummed as he stood on his chair, his hands behind his back. He looked at the printer in front of him with a warm smile as the machine buzzed beeped as it printed paper. Izuku and Shota did not share the same sentiment of delight Nezu was at this boring task, they especially didn't like the cliff hanger they had been given. Although Nezu did seem to revel in tension.

A final piece of paper fell onto the stack and the printer finally stopped making that horrific noise. Izuku and Shota both sighed with relief as a silence came over the room. But it still was an unliked silence as they waited for Nezu to start talking again. The small chimera turned to the two heroes with his signature cheeky grin. 

"Well I've downloaded all of the information into paper for basic accessibility. Give a quick skim of it and determine the best hero for your students to intern under. Time is of the essence," Nezu spoke too the two, stepping onto his desk to have a vantage point over the two. Shota and Izuku instantly moved into the sheets of paper and looked through the recommended heroes for their students. 

Nezu watched the two analyse and talk quickly with each other, discussing options or arguing picks for the students. The ranges of heroes that their students could go to were within the top 500 which seemed large but consider how many heroes could realistically be stationed at a point. Some pro heroes don't have combat orientated quirks and work in teams like Mandalay to boost their rank. There were many factors for them to assess, whether the hero had the skills to actually improve the students, what environment they would need to go to and how much action they could handle.

Nezu peered down with a proud smile as the two heroes diligently accessed the potential heroes their students will be interning under. His eyes travel over to Izuku and his eyes quickly run over the attributes over his body. 

"Remind me how you received the three most recent quirks in your arsenal Izuku?" Nezu asked the silver haired teen. Izuku grumbled, tearing his eyes away from the sheets of paper to look up at Nezu.

"Well people attempted to ambush me for an assassination but it didn't end well for them," Izuku answered before he went back to looking over the sheets. The two finally moved to the final student Momo, this one taking a bit longer then the others. The main reason being is that there isn't exactly a category to her quirk. 

She can create anything from the calories in her body and transform it into matter outside of her as long as she knows the molecular structure of what she wants to create. With a versatile quirk like hers that doesn't fit into a singular category, it is hard to confine her the best hero option. 

Himiko or Carmilla is great in theory but the problem is that Momo is just better at using her quirk then Himiko is. Not that it is surprising, Himiko has only had that quirk for two years while Momo has had hers for most of her life. But there was still major differences in what they can achieve, Himiko simply doesn't have the volume of blood to make the same things Momo can so the arsenal of weaponry and materials is vastly different between the two. 

What Momo needs is a hero based off of intelligence. Sir Nighteye is a good option but he is already well established against eight precepts of death and has plenty of heroes to train and prepare for the upcoming threats. Other then him, their aren't many heroes that rely on their wits or have the knowledge necessary to be able to apply Momo's ability effectively. 

Izuku scratched his head at the conundrum. He didn't want to give up and just give Momo off to a descent hero, she was one of his best students and probably had the potential to compete against him thanks to her unpredictable quirk applications. But no hero on the list that asked specifically for Momo nor Nezu's recommended list could identify a good hero for Momo.

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