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Izuku had just finished his first week of teaching mere hours ago. Yet here is he, finding himself on top of a warehouse roof, preparing to bust in mere minutes. Izuku hadn't been able to get any sleep yet, something he would have loved to do the mere moment he arrived back home. Izuku only had been able to just pull Himiko into his lap before Eraserhead called him. 

They had found a source of the notorious drug trigger being bided in a warehouse. This bidding centre was extremely large and could be extremely dangerous depending on how much they had supplied. Which is why they needed powerful heroes that could make it to the location unnoticed. They couldn't risk spies getting out and letting the drug ring know that heroes were coming. This bust was too important to let that mistake slip.

Which is why Izuku and Himiko were required to be at this raid. They were accompanied by Dabi and Eraserhead, two extremely capable pro heroes and from the police, easily the best two. Even considering Dabi had been a pro hero for less then a month speaks magnitudes of his achievements. Edgeshot was supposed to be here but apparently he got a lead on the hero killer and was after him.

But Izuku is glad that he wasn't here to be honest. He may be the number six hero, but Izuku didn't know him and he was still technically a vigilante. But since he is under watch by Eraserhead and technically Dabi, he and Himiko have free ability to use their quirks.

Izuku reminisces about the day, trying to keep himself awake because today was hectic. He had battle training with class-b which he had little trust in actually using their quirks safely. But he and Himiko had faith. Well he more had faith in Himiko being able to take them down quickly but that's beside the point.

Togaru was as violent as he predicted but he still hadn't learned a thing in fighting Himiko. Sen had also been surprisingly good in combating Himiko but he smiled at the memory of Himiko getting some rubble before hurling it at the boy. He punched it with his gyrating fists but it also served to break the stone apart into smaller pieces which hurt the boy badly. She's getting better at quirk analyses.

Ibara and Jurota were interesting however. It doesn't take a genius for anyone to see that those two were the clear powerhouses of the class. In fact, there quirk's power outclasses the rest of their class by a huge margin. Including most of class 1-a. It really makes Izuku think about how poor the entrance exam is designed. 

Jurota at least has the excuse that he loses a lot of competence in his beast form but Ibara. She isn't in 1-a for the reason because he quirk didn't have enough raw power. Anyone with half a braincell could see the sheer strengths that quirk has but she struggled in the exam because she couldn't destroy the robots. 

Heroes' aren't meant to destroy the villains, they are meant to subdue them. That fact is what hindered Ibara's score a ton.

Despite being the two powerhouses of the class, they ended up being paired together. They were a hard match against Himiko but just because they had strong quirks, doesn't mean they didn't have exploitable weakness. Ibara had the obvious weakness to fire but she did a very good job at negating that weakness as much as possible. 

Jurota was a bit more complicated. His instincts and strong senses of smell and hearing made it impossible for Himiko to recuperate herself. But because of the his complete lack of awareness Himiko was able to create her plan right under his nose, making an anvil and dropping onto it onto his head. Surprisingly he still wasn't out but Himiko wrapped him up in capture tape to finish the fight.

However that wasn't even the most rememberable part of the day. Itsuka and Shihai were partnered and Izuku had high hopes for this pair. Itsuka has sparred with Himiko before and she was incredibly good at it so he had no fear that she would not put up a fight.

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