The Pressure is on

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Katsuki hummed quietly to himself as he looked up at the board. He was being taught English by Present Mic but this was mostly a basic writing exercises to make sure we understand the material he taught us. I got it pretty easy, I was the fourth rank in this class at English. I could afford to let my mind wander away a bit. 

With what was going on right now, I can confidently say I'm not the only one currently zoning out. Hard not too as well, the shouts may be suppressed by UA's walls but I know the general public was there, signs out a megaphones shouting at UA. 

His class and 1-b heard it when they walked out of their dorm building. The crowd spotted us and started shouting, reporters and protestors yelling out. Some told us to run while we had the chance, others said that we couldn't be heroes while being taught under villains. I wanted to yell at them but Tenya came up and convinced me that more trouble will arise if I act like that. So I begrudgingly held my tongue and walked with the rest of my class to UA. 

Some people in UA also became a bit rebellious because the only people with knowledge of Hope and Carmilla working here was the UA staff and the first year hero course students. But a few announcements with Nezu is keeping them in check. Most of those students aren't in the hero course as the two classes 2-a and 3-a have less then our 20 and they are the ones that Eraserhead himself had deemed worthy enough to keep stay at UA. So you know they're good. 

2 days until we take the provisional license exam so we can intern for heroes and right now, I can't afford to fail that test right now. The faith in heroes has plummeted since the identity of Hope was revealed and that was after the 32% of heroes in the Musufatsu region quitting, forced into early retirement or just death. The villain activity is said to rise by 20% so we are needed more now then ever and I can't afford to not get my license.

Recovery Girl smacked me with my cane and threatened me she wouldn't help me next time if I injured myself like this. Knowing her, I believe but how can I not push myself? Our society is on the line and we are needed. I don't want to be cocky, I hate that and never want to be like that again, but there is a reason why people generalize powerful quirks for heroes. They would really intimidate villains into giving up and in this situation, with the League of Villains laying low and plotting, nomu's still occasionally showing up around the city, quirks like mine are sought after.

The clock on the wall is ticking down, next is hero work but I know Izuku won't be here. He is out and dealing with the public again and also is assisting with Kotsumi. My head drops at just the remembrance of her. Why did she turn out like that? I mean, I knew she was stubborn and hot-tempered but did she really go out and tell the world about Izuku's secret? She was distraught about what happened to Izuku as well so how did it become like this? Could I have become like that?

Time continued to fly past. Would Himiko take over instead? No she probably was with Eri because Eraserhead and Emi had to do tons of paperwork and Dabi was going to physio to help build his muscles again. It had been half a year since the man walked. It was also the first time Katsuki had met Dabi as well when the man was in hospital since Izuku dragged him there while his hands were being treated. Now for a man covered in bandages, connected to an iv bag and stuck in a hospital bed, the man was scary as shit.

Katsuki will never forget Dabi gripping his shirt and pulling him in while threatening Katsuki. He certainly does not want to get on his bad side. 

The door to the classroom opened and Katsuki moved his eyes over to it. Eraserhead steps through and looks over to Present Mic. The hero looked back at the raven haired male and looked confused. Eraserhead waved the man off and looked to his class.

"Sorry Mic, I'm commandeering this class. Anyway, you all know that times have become stressed since the All For One incident and with the crime rate going up and amount of heroes significantly reducing, we need all the help we need. I know you all are still young and I am not telling you to risk your life but our teaching will need to become incredibly strict, your training will become harder and no tardiness will be tolerated. If none of you are taking this seriously I will not hesitate to expel you. Now with that out of the way, does anyone have anything to say?" Eraserhead finished. No one moved, some of the students glanced around the room but did not budge, Eraserhead nodded his head before turning back around. "You can come in now." Eraserhead said tiredly.

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