Invitation For War

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Toru and Yuga sat in a black car, thick one-way windows blocking any potential vision to see who the occupants of the car are. Yuga was bubbling with excitement as he was excited to meat Uwabami, one of his most idolised hero. Toru meanwhile wasn't as siked about being interning under Uwabami. 

Uwabami was Japan's number one fashion icon, way above Best Jeanist. The only reason she is near the bottom of the top one hundred compared to Best Jeanist is how they go about their jobs. Best Jeanist manages a hero agency while Uwabami manages a fashion agency, Best Jeanist takes a lot more dangerous and dirty jobs while Uwabami is mostly unknown in the crimes she handles with. The only fights she is seen in are ones near her agency.

Tory felt self-conscious in being their because Uwabami mainly takes students who are traditionally good looking or have great fashion sense. Yuga fits that bill and Toru doesn't doubt that he'll work amazingly with Uwabami. Toru, however is invisible, she has no attractive ability which is Uwabami's entire brand. Did Hope assign her to the wrong hero?

Yuga and Toru pill into the parking space below Uwabami's agency, they each having their own reactions. Yuga was ecstatic to meet Uwabami while Toru sat nervous in the car, but no one could tell how she really felt. She was invisible. 

The driver of the black car opened the door and walked over the back doors of the car. He opened Toru's side door and stepped away, allowing Toru to get out. Toru thanked the man and got out of the car; Yuga quickly shuffled after her and bounced out behind her. A bright smile consumed his face as he stared at the pretty lighting and unique designs over the walls. This parking lot was certainly more vibrant and appealing then the regular dull shopping centre ones. 

"This is eh magnificent!" Yuga gushed as he looked around with sparkles in his eyes. While Yuga was busy ogling at the strangely beautiful parking lot, Toru heard the clacking of high heels. The man that was driving the car turned and walked over to the noise while Toru looked over to the new arrival. Uwabami in all of her glory was strutting down towards her and Toru like she was on a runway. 

Uwabami was just as stunning in person and maybe even more so than looking at her through a screen. She wore a purple dress that clung tightly to her fabulous figure and if you looked closely, you could see zipped areas that could be open to allow better movement if she got into a fight. Her hair had been styled incredibly as it was spun like golden threads, mimicking a nest. It seemed that she had brightly coloured snake headpieces in her hair, but looking closely, you could see them move.

Yuga's eyes gleamed in utter joy as Uwabami walked over to them. Toru on the other hands gulped, pushing her feet together and twiddling with her fingers nervously. Thanks to her invisibility, those actions were hardly noticed. 

"Ah, there are my two heroes! I'm so thrilled to have you both here!" Uwabami yelled out with a proud and vibrant smile as she swayed her arm dramatically. Yuga couldn't contain his excitement anymore and rushed forward to Uwabami.

"Uwabami, oh it is a great honour to meet you. I've always been a fan of your beauty and excellent fashion that shines through the screen!" Yuga exclaims happily. Uwabami laughs heartily, she leans forward to the boy who had rushed over to her and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Aoyama, that means a lot. And I must say, I was dazzled when I saw your performance at the sports festival," Uwabami spoke back before winking at him, making the boy gleam brightly, sparkles practically flew off of him. Uwabami laughed and stood back up straight. She was already naturally tall but her heals just added to her height. She looked back over to the car where a certain floating pair of clothes was still nervously standing.

"Come on Hagakure, don't get cold feet now. I have orders from Hope to get you both ready," Uwabami called out with a smile. Toru stiffened which the hero noticed through her clothes.

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