Dorm Rooms

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Shota was no longer Eraserhead, he wore his hair in a bun to keep it out of his face. He did this because he still had product in his hair from when he was interviewed at UA. In his arms was Eri who had beautifully braided hair with a red bow. Braided by the woman walking in front of him. 

Emi walked with Izuku and Himiko and talked with them. They were in front of Shota as they walked. They were in a hospital corridor as they were going to visit someone. Someone that Izuku was very excited to see and Shota was as well, although he would never admit it. They were approaching the door of the occupant they were going to visit and Shota quickly faced Eri.

"Hey Eri, before we meet him I need to warn you. He looks scary but I promise you that he will not harm you. He's a good guy and he was my partner for a while," Shota smiled at the little girl in his arms. Eri looked confused but nodded her head and smiled up at Shota. She trusted Shota so she knows he is telling the truth. But she does wonder what this man is like?

Izuku got to the door first, the most excited of the five by far. He knocked on the door with a feverish grin.

"Hey Dabi, you awake?" the greenette asked. Confirmation from a deep and husky voice called out from behind the door. Izuku did not waste any further time as he swung the door open. He rushed in ahead of everyone else, Himiko and Emi laughed at this and followed in behind him. Shota had a small smile but only Eri could see it. The raven haired man quickly walked in after the others and Eri saw what was going on.

"Missed ya too Snow cone, but touching me right now it not a good idea," the white haired man huffed but had a smile as he tiredly looked at Izuku who was squeezing the man in a hug. Izuku relented and let go but he seemed to be pouting. He then started rubbing Dabi's hair.

"Your hair is whiter then mine now! Why did they remove the dye anyway?" Izuku asked.

"Apparently they needed to clearly see what area was black on my scalp so they removed my black hair dye," the man breathed casually but it looked hard for him. He was wearing a clear mask over his mouth and nose, a tube stretched from the mask over to a tank. Eri has seem something like that before but doesn't know what it is.

"Well I'm glad you are alright Dabi. We've all been deathly worried about you," Emi smiled at the man in the hospital. It was hard to determine most of his features as he was practically covered in bandages. The only thing Eri could see of this Dabi person was his shaggy white hair and sky blue eyes. 

"Yeah, hey where is the coffee addict?" Dabi then asked. Weakly the injured man lifted his head and scanned the room. His eyes landed on Shota who was close to the door. Shota raised his hands and waved at Dabi with a very small smile on his lips. But the man's eyes wandered towards Eri and the two locked eyes. Dabi's eyes went wide with surprise while Eri stared incredulously at him. Dabi then smiled as he looked back to Shota.

"How long have I been gone? I didn't know you and Joke had a kid Eraser," Dabi smirked but it didn't seem easier with the mask. Emi went bright red, Himiko was next to her and smirked up at her knowingly. Shota also blushed but he kept his face composed. He stepped forward and cleared his throat.

"You've been gone for six months Dabi. For who this is, this Eri and she is under my and Emi's care. Say hi Eri," Shota told, carrying Eri closer to Dabi. Eri was still a bit shy and unsure of them. She knew she wouldn't hurt him and he was trusted by the people who saved her and have been taking care of her. Still, the danger bells were sounding in her head. 

"Um, h-hello," Eri said quietly. She kept her left hand tightly clutched to Shota's shirt and raised her right hand for a meek wave before holding back onto Shota. Himiko and Emi awed at the cute action of Eri tightly holding onto Shota. 

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