Old Friends

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Izuku was going to his job in his friends café. His quirk Pitch really helps with singing and it's kind of a breeze to do so. Himiko's following him as they arrive in. They got there about 15 minutes so Izuku had time to prepare.

They've been a vigilante duo for slightly more than a weak now which has been awesome. Izuku has increased his quirk limit to ten and has given so many people quirks. They've all looked so happy having a quirk that'll make them normal like everyone else. Izuku also has received five new quirks from it as well.

Two of them aren't that special. He has a quirk called horns that gives him red horns on his head. He can extend them and make them sharp but it causes pain to his skull. Izuku hasn't used it as it really has no usefulness unless he needs to stab someone who is on top of him. The next one is retardant that blocks electrical attacks from his hands. It is useful because of his heavy skeleton quirk makes him susceptible to electric quirks but other than that. It's got nothing. 

But his next three quirks are awesome though. The first one was a simple strength enhancement quirk but he could combine that with a quirk he already had, strong impact. Strong impact was a weird quirk. Izuku could increase his punches and kicks to devastating power but he had a limit on how many times he can do it. It started with twice a day but now Izuku can do it eight. He wants so he'll have to train that quirk a bit more. The strength enhancement quirk was definitely helping.

The next one was missile teeth. Izuku could fire his teeth out like missiles and cause a surprisingly powerful explosion. Mainly as shrapnel cutting skin but it is still effective. The reason he has this quirk is because the guy who had it couldn't use it. Once they fired their teeth, they wouldn't grow back. But thanks to Izuku's quirk, he could and since his teeth were metal, they hurt a lot more. Unfortunately he had run out of space. Izuku wishes he could trade in one of his other quirks for it but for now he'll have to wait.

His next quirk has the same problem. It's awesome but unfortunately Izuku has run out of space. It's called adapt which means if Izuku takes damage from something, say fire. He will become increasingly resistant to it. The quirk is quite specific but it would still be a strong quirk. It was unfortunate it ended up in the hands of a murderer.

Izuku walked into the café and immediately spotted his friend Akito. He was sitting next to his older sister Nomi, who unlike him with black skin, she had pure black hair and eyes. She is apart of a villain rehabilitation program since she has used her quirk to go invisible in dark areas to steal things. Izuku has only met her a couple of times but knows she's nice, just defensive of her little brother. 

Izuku hasn't told her about his quirk. The only people who know are Himaki, Akito and Himiko. Since Izuku's appearance likes to change with what quirks he receives, Izuku has had to find a lie to explain. It was hard as one day he could have horns and the next day they could be gone. But Izuku was able to land on one. Mutation, he can gain a random attribute to his body. They can appear or disappear whenever with no pattern. She seems to take that explanation, as well as curious children on the street.

Izuku walked over to them with Himiko in toe. They sat down with the two shadow twins smiling at their arrival.

"Hey guys? You ready for your gig Izuku?" Nomi asked. Izuku smiled brightly.

"Yeah I am. How have you been with the whole, villain program?" Izuku asked. Nomi sighed, brushing the hair out pf her face.

"Yesterday was shit. The person in charge of that day is sexist as hell, the only reason it was barrable was one of the volunteers," Nomi answered. 

"Why? Are they cute?" Himiko asked, trying to tease her. Nomi scoffs with a smirk and leans back in her chair. Izuku has heard a bit about the volunteers. She has to go to two different locations for her villain rehabilitation and depending on the location or the day, the volunteer is different. Except, Izuku has only heard bad things about the volunteers from her.

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