First Class 1-a

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Izuku currently was in UA. But not just any place in UA, the teachers staff room. Himiko was sitting in a chair next to Izuku while he was trying to compose himself. Well sitting is a relative term, Himiko's back was on the part where her but was supposed to go with her but on the back rest and her legs straight in the air. She was on the phone scrolling through random things.

Today was the second day of UA. This would be the first day Izuku starts teaching at UA along with Himiko. He didn't teach yesterday as that was the day his two classes that he would teach got familiar with UA. He still showed up yesterday as well the entrance exam to look at the kids he will be teaching. 

It was mainly used so that they could get familiar with the staff and they get familiar with them. They are both teenagers after all and one of them has the ability to steal their quirks. But surprisingly, they were fine with it. 

Izuku like Present Mic a lot. He seemed like a cheery person to be around and was extremely positive. He did have the problem controlling his volume that annoyed Eraserhead a lot but Izuku liked him a lot. The second one was Snipe. He was what Izuku would think how a cowboy would act. Aloof most of the time  but was very attentive and is very good at reading people. He also seemed to be the only teacher that Eraserhead didn't have a problem with.

Speaking of Eraserhead he has already expelled one of his students.

Izuku was sitting in the staff room with Snipe going over his lesson plan for the week. Eraserhead then waddled in looking very tired. He had papers in his hands as he unhappily dropped into his chair. Izuku thought this was odd as he knew Eraserhead and was surprised that he didn't just go straight to his sleeping bag. Snipe sighed as he looked over to Eraserhead. 

"How many did you expel this time?" Snipe asked. Izuku's eyes widened before he shook his head. He should have expected that. Eraserhead is a very scary man and doesn't take any type of shit. If he thinks you don't have what it takes, you simply don't as he has never been wrong in seeking potential. Which is why he was allowed to expel his entire class on the first day of school last year. As Izuku was told by the other teachers, Eraserhead is kind of like the unofficial vice principle of the school. 

Eraserhead grumbled as he grabbed a pen and started writing on the paper.

"It was only one," he grumbled. This shocked Snipe.

"Only one? That's incredibly low for you, not to be rude but you understand where I'm coming from right?" Snipe asked. Izuku was expecting some type of irritated response or for him to straight up ignore him like what he usually does. But to Izuku's surprise, Eraserhead only sighed and shook his head, speaking with a lighter tone that he usually does.

"The rest have potential, but one of them is close to getting booted," Eraserhead said. Izuku was shocked by his reaction to Snipe but ultimately brushed it off as respect. But what Izuku did start thinking about was who Eraserhead was close to expelling? 

It wasn't Katsuki as Eraserhead would have named in which did relieve Izuku a small bit. But his curiosity didn't subside.

Himiko instantly became friends with Midnight. Strange choice, a woman in her thirties who wears very revealing attire and is very open in her domanatrix kink and sexual innuendoes. At first, it seems like those two would never get along but what Izuku would never has guessed was how she acted with people in private. She was like a small child, bright happy and very clingy. She still likes talking about sex and sexual activities but other than that, she is a huge child and her and Himiko get along great. The second one was Vlad king. Even though blood was no longer a necessary thing she needed, Himiko still loved blood. Hence why she likes Vlad king.

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