Public Appearance

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Izuku was mad. No he was more then mad. He was furious, rage welding around him and it was like everyone in a one mile radius of him could feel it. He wanted someone in pain, he wanted someone to hurt. Yesterday was bad enough, the fact that Izumi had made it into UA was horrible enough as it is. But now was that the league of villains had Dabi. 

He was targeted, something that Dabi had feared since his meeting with Kurogiri that time ago. Dabi's quirk was strong, he knew that, Izuku knew that. Anyone with a braincell knows that Dabi had an extremely powerful and deadly quirk. Add on the fact that Izuku gifted him the quirk adapt which helped Dabi build a tolerance to his own fire and you have one of the deadliest men alive. 

The heroes should be bowing before him with the power he possesses. Izuku wouldn't want to fight him and he has fifteen quirks not including the enhancements and fusions he has made in quirks. That's just how strong cremation is, Izuku couldn't even take it as it would have burned him from the inside. 

But now he was gone. 

They took him, All For One has him now. They made a Nomu specifically designed to withstand Dabi's power, so they could take his quirk. He just got his life out of the streets and now was doing his job he dreamed to be doing since he was a kid. Now he was in the hands of the most dangerous person in the world.

Izuku wants to melt Endeavour. He's the number two hero and probably allowed Dabi to be taken. He let him burn years ago and let him get kidnapped now out of anger. Despite being told that he was taken out by the same nomu before Dabi was taken, it still doesn't evaporate the fury Izuku feels. Izuku knows Endeavour couldn't have done anything, if Dabi couldn't he most certainly couldn't. But Izuku still needs to find blame. His anger is boiling and he has nowhere to put out the fire he feels.

Nomu's are still around, no longer as rampant and raging as what they were yesterday thanks to Izuku and a bunch of fire heroes. But the threat isn't entirely gone. A few were purposefully left standing in hopes of them returning to base but it seems that they had no intention of doing that. So Izuku is now going to take out his anger on them. 

Zipping around the city at sunset as a bolt of electricity. Izuku wanted to hurt something. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he didn't like it. But the feeling wouldn't go away. It was something unfamiliar to Izuku that he didn't know what to do with it. 

Izuku stopped and perched himself on a roof. He heard gargling and groaned cries of pain. But they weren't of someone human. Or well, someone who was human. Izuku looked around and spotted a tall and lanky nomu. It had five arms, the extra three being in weird positions. One on the back, one on the chest and one on the stomach. It's skin was a pale aquamarine and it hard wet, thin black hair that looked disgusting on the top of its head. 

Izuku felt himself smile with a craze look and immediately recoiled. He covered his mouth with both if his hands. Why did he feel so happy in wanting to hurt something. Izuku rapidly shook his head as he was appalled with himself. Why was he feeling like this, he didn't like and didn't want to feel like this. 

A growl brought Izuku's attention back up from his own internal questioning and confusion. The nomu he tracked was no growling at him. It's entire head was essentially a mouth and it kept spewing saliva, leaving a large puddle on the side of the building.

It reached a hand to Izuku, claws protruding from its wrist and swiped at him. Izuku jumped back and frowned. He wiped his previous feelings away and focused on the task at hand. To stop this creature from hurting anybody else.

Izuku formed his bones to the outside of his body. Their shiny metallic silver gleaming in the setting sun. Izuku pounced forward and prepared his bones. They shifted into a thin but long blade and in one swift motion. The head of the nomu was flying off. Izuku got his other hand ready to grab the regenerating head of the nomu to steal its quirks, essentially killing it. But after a few seconds of waiting, Izuku dropped his guard.

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